My Roman Centurion


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Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2004
Hi, all!

I decide to show you my lastet current figure, it’s a Roman centurion from Andrea. I painted with Prince August acrylic. I have to paint the helmet, the feathers and the pectoral decorations. As soon as he(it) will be finished, I shall put a new photo. My big problems remain the shadows and the lights....
What do you think??. Cheers


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Fantastic painting Trilli, I love the metals and the leather you have done. The tunic is blended great too. Excellent flesh tones as well. I look forward to seeing your next step.
Franchement je trouve ça très bien !
Il faut apporter quelques petites modifs mais pas grand chose.
Selon moi :
-tu pourrais souligner d'un trait plus sombre le dessous des lanières de cuir.
-ajouter des touches de couleur chaudes au visage. Notamment sous les pomettes où un jus dilué de orange rougeâtre serait le bienvenu, ainsi que sous les ailes du nez. Pour l'instant ton visage a un aspect un peu terreux que ces touches modifier pour le rendre plus vivant...
-quelques peites ombres profondes sur le visage, sous les arcades sourcillières (de chaque coté du nez), au coin du nez là où les plis se forment.
-quelques petites lumières très claires ici et là.
Pour le reste le résultat est bien surtout à cette échelle avec des acryliques ....

Looks like you have done a really nice job. You may want to add a few more highlights to the tunic. The leather and flesh look really nice.

Hi Trilli. I have the same problem: lights/shadows. Anyway you have done an excellent work with the flesh tones.
I like the eyes and metals.

What colors did you use to paint the face? and what did you use acrylics or oils?


Tres bien mon ami, very good start.
The only thing I would do different is add more shadows and highlights.

Roc. :)
Hey Bruno , that's a fantastic start. But being a start you're stil not finished yet. If you'll permit me what you have painted is excellent but it needs more. The face needs darker shadows especially round the nose / eyes area. Also a good 5 o'clock shadow. Try to put the head armour in place and work out the contrast you will be getting. One last thing is you seem to hold back on the outlining. Outline all the detail with a dark colour and add a lighter highlight on the upper edges. You will notice what difference. I hope that helps

Stephen Mallia
Hello to all

Yesterday evening, I took back the details of centurion, according your advices.

Guy : thank for your Encoragements

Jean-Philippe : J’ai suivi tes conseils en assombrissant très légèrement le dessous des cuirs, le creux des arcades sourcilières, les ailes du nez. J’ai également rajouté un lavis rouge orangé sur les joues, les ailes du nez et le bas de celui-ci. J’espère qu’il ne ressemble pas trop à un amateur de vin !! ;) J’ai également légèrement éclairci les épaulettes...

Joe : I had no time to highlight the tunic :( , it will be the work of the week end

Jaime : I paint with arylics Vallejo.
For the skin. base: dark flesh + point of pink + wood.
1st highlight : base + ochre ; 2nd highlight : base + beige ; 3rd : ochre + beige.
Shadows : base + violet (purple?) + red ; 2nd shadow: 1st shadow + purple; 3rd : 2nd shadow + black.
All of colors are always very diluted for not obtain too much pronounced transitions

Rock: I hope that the shadows and the highlights are better now :)

Slaj: Would you Have a photo with outlining?. I do not know this method and I do not see well the effects. Thank you in advance.


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Hello Bruno,

Very good job, considering it's all acrylics (y)

I don't know if it's intentional but I like the moiré effect on the tunic sleeves.

Bonne continuation!

J'ai essayé de corriger la phot avec un logiciel pour te montrer ce que stephen et moi te suggérions au niveau des lanières pour leur donner plus de volume. C'est à dire une ombre polus présente sous la lanière et des éclaircie un peu plus marquées par endroits.
Le visage est bien mieux ainsi mais comme te le dit stephen fait bien gaffe aux ombres générées par le casque !
Je me répete mais le résulat est très bien et ces petits conseil apporteront un petit plus.
A bientot
Hi Bruno, welldone............... ;)

I concur with every comment/praise/advise you've recieved so far, especially where you've been told to add more highlights/shadows and where Steve advised re outlining.............yes to put the helmet on is a good idea to guage its "cast shadow" effect...........but the outlining is imperative imho, not overdone, but has to be only images on the planet are the clinch rifles, I can offer you those to view some the meantime keep it up because you are definitely on the right track............just be a bit more daring, that's all :angry: !!

Remember that "he who spoiled nothing, it is he who never done anything" :lol: !!

Hey Bruno , sorry I don't have a picture at hand to show you some outlining but I can explain it to you.It's very easy. For example , take the leather straps on the chest. There are some which overlap another. You highlight the overlapping edges while you darken underneath placing an extreme H/L adjacent to an extreme shadow. The effect is tremendous. Now, taking this in consideration , all the details on the figure will need outlining. For another example it will be the sewing on the leather straps hanging from the shoulder. If you darken the area around them they would stand out more. I hope that helps and keep the good work.

Stephen Mallia
Hey Bruno!

Great work on the bust so far! I agree that a little more contrast and some outlining is in place. I think your transitions are good far! Here is a pic of a bust I painted with vallejos, the outlining on this one is black which wasn't the best choice, I should have used a darker red instead, live and learn! Hopefully you will get the idea though. Keep it up and show us more as you progress!

At the same topic we can see two excellent works from two excellent painters. I am learning a lot with you.
If you want, you can see my last bust (the Grunt) and you could give me your opinion.



After this laborious weekend, I set up the cheeks protect and the helmet.
The painting is just a base, now that the helmet is in place, I am going to be able to work more "easely" the highlights/shadows of the helmet. Sorry for the pic it's a little swindle, :( wesee a small space between the helmet and the front, I am going to have to arrange it :angry: .!!
Thank to Rej, Slaj and Anders for your explications of outlining. I understand ;)
I hope soon to post you a better picture. Bruno


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Hi all,
I think finished my first bust, thanks to you all and in your goods advices. If some details escaped me and if you see them (but it is difficult to see well according in picture).The final result will be in fine November in Sèvres. ;)
Thanks to all.


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