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  1. Knikki

    Acrylic Paint Help!

    Thanks for all the replies. Seems there could be a couple of things I have done 'not right' :whistle: but I found that adding some Tamiya Thinner did help a lot. Fortunately I am only covering a small area but yes it appears that my faith in Tamiya paints has been rattled. Still live and learn :)
  2. Knikki

    Acrylic Paint Help!

    OK as in another thread I have some old Tamiya Acrylic paints, which I have stirred, shaken etc and when I open the paint pot it all looks fine. I am trying to paint onto a resin figure whihc has been undercoated with white primer. Now if I use the paint straight from the pot and apply it to...
  3. Knikki

    Verlinden figures

    I have a couple of Verlinden 120mm figures that I have been doing for the past *cough* 10+ years :lol: and I really like them and even compared to some of the newer figures on the market, the pose looks ok. Well, I am not sure about the French Grenadier who does indeed look like he is grumbling...
  4. Knikki

    WW1 color photography

    Yep but not in the way you think If you look at the images they have huge grain on them this is becuase they used coloured starch and covered in a light sensitive emulsion. The process is called Autochrome. Big problem was the exposure time which even on a bright sunny day ran into minutes...
  5. Knikki

    the Rocketeer

    I really like this, think the helmet looks great. ~goes off to find and watch the film :) ~
  6. Knikki

    Does paint "go off"?

    Thanks for the reply chaps. If I go for the shaking then by the end of it I should be able to mix a mean cocktail :lol:
  7. Knikki

    British Sherman Profiles

    I was under the impression that a 'Sherman' was a tank produced by America and widely used by the Allies in WWII. Is it the uniforms of any particular troops/divisions your after? Or information on the Sherman tank crew your after?
  8. Knikki

    Does paint "go off"?

    I have some paints enamels unopened and opened plus some acylics in a similar state. Now I know the enamels can seperate out but do they actually go off? If I stir, shake cna I reuse them or is it just best to throw them and get some new ones? Bare in mind that some of these paints are...
  9. Knikki

    Can you access Andrea Miniature Home..??

    Yep I can access the main page and catouloge. If your haveing browser issues try emptying the browser cache.
  10. Knikki

    Completed Critique Viking C.950 by Young miniatures

    Really nice figure, I like the way his cloak has been painted to bring out the detail. Out of interest where do you find info on Viking and Knights with regards to colours and motifs to paint them?
  11. Knikki

    Reid RFC pilot bust This link looks to have images showing RFC uniforms.
  12. Knikki

    Model Figures vs. Figurines. Why one and not the other?

    For me I did not know anything about figurines until reading this. :confused: I suppose when you go looking in model shops or online at the manufactures you don't see figurines offered for sale, could be wrong on this. Or maybe they subject matter does not appeal? o_0
  13. Knikki

    Completed 8ball's efforts

    15? wow that is good.
  14. Knikki

    Completed Assorted 54mm Napoleonics

    Good set there I especially like the Hussar figure
  15. Knikki

    NOOB Alert Oil Pints and Brush strokes

    Ok some tips picked up thank you. Will have ago at leaving the paint on the card before using it. As for the Blue it is Coeruleum (Hue) by Rowney Georgian and I have primed the kit using white paint.
  16. Knikki

    Hello from a wet cold and part time snow UK

    Funny enough neither is he as according to his info he is in Northwhich :lol:
  17. Knikki

    NOOB Alert Oil Pints and Brush strokes

    I am sure I have seen something on here about ti but I can't find anything relevant when doing a search. o_0 Ok so I am trying to paint a VL figure using Oil Paints, now I have used some blue for his pants and tried to paint it on thinly by wetting the brush with turps Winsor and Newton, but...
  18. Knikki

    Hello from a wet cold and part time snow UK

    Hello I have been a lurker on here for a while now, so thought I would come in and say 'Hi'. I am returning to kit building/ Figure painting after about 20+ years and so my skills are somewhat rusty, well more than rusty to be honest :) Ok where the cafe? :lol: PS I noticed there is a Carl...