Hi Folks
Thank you for the nice comments.I've been too busy to paint those days but today I've managed to work in the upper jacket.
Slaj and Ray,hope to see you both at Euro :lol:
Scott,It will be a single figure display.
Hi Stephen.
Yes,these are beautiful figures.I've enjoyed a lot painting them.
Thanks for your comment.
Finally I'll make it to Euromilitaire.
I hope I'll see you there. :)
best regards
Hi Allan
Very nice paintjob!
I love this figure.
I had the chance to see some of your beautifully painted figures at Torrent show and later at home(when Calvin stayed for some days here),and I was impressed by the quality and personal style of your painting.
I too would want to see some lighter...
Hi Damian.
For a faded greenish field grey 830 as base colour and lights adding Sunny skintone 845
For a greyish one,866 as base colour,lights adding Basic Skintone 815.If it looks too grey for you,try adding 974 sky green for highlights
tell me which figure are you painting and I'll guess a mix for you(as other forum fellows have stated the tone of field grey you will paint over a figure will depend on theater of war,type of uniform and other circumstances around the subject)
Hi folks
Thanks for the nice comments.
Frank.Good luck with it.I think it's a very nice figure and you'll enjoy a lot painting it.
Gino.I'm always trying new effects.I want an strong contrast on this figure and the metallic paint gives shining highlights and add strenght to the shadows...
Hi Folks
After a long time painting only WW2 figures,I come back to the ancient side.
I'm going to paint this figure of the gaul chieftain,from spanish manufacturer Ares Mythologic (www.aresmythologic.com), based on a well known statue,commemorating the battle of Alesia in 52bc.
The face...
Hi Folks
Thanks again for your nice comments.
I'm sorry but I can not post close up's of this dio because it has to be part of my Osprey book :( I'm sorry.