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  1. Francis Gekiere

    Templar JMD Bust

    Tank you Rob, Marc , Mitsutaka , Marcel for your compliment Marc it was a pleasure ,has your disposition, maybe in the club of AMSS if the time is given us don't forget the dissolution is the key ... dissolution :) Francis
  2. Francis Gekiere

    staff officer franco-prusian war 1870

    Tank you David Francis
  3. Francis Gekiere

    Completed Critique Highlander Clan McDonald

    Molto bello Maurizio, mi piace .... Francis
  4. Francis Gekiere

    the Richtofens

    Hello Stephen, great painting, verry good leather effect i like it Francis
  5. Francis Gekiere

    Templar JMD Bust

    Tank you Pete, Michael, Tommi, Robert, Pedro, Peter, Rob, Stefano, Maurizio, David , Cheung for your compliment Francis
  6. Francis Gekiere

    Templar JMD Bust

    Hello friends, This is one of my latest works.great sculpting from JMD and very nice to paint ... Comments are always welcome! Francis
  7. Francis Gekiere

    staff officer franco-prusian war 1870

    tank's all for your compliment. Ken the size is 60 mm Yes Paul you see at Antwerpen last year Zouave and Turco .... Francis
  8. Francis Gekiere

    staff officer franco-prusian war 1870

    Sculpted by Michel Hupet, using JMD academic and 1870 accessory one more duet's for thi's plaisant figure to paint your commentary are wellcome
  9. Francis Gekiere

    Completed Critique Sgt legion winter 1870

    tank's all for your compliment from Michel and me. Francis
  10. Francis Gekiere

    77th Foot

    Great painting job, i ave this figure somewhere .... in my grey army and when i see your's, i will make soms archaeological resurch' and painting :) Francis
  11. Francis Gekiere

    Completed Critique Norman knigth 54mm Pegaso

    Tank's Serkan, Marcel, for your comment greatly apreciate ... Merci Daniel, tu en sera ravi c'est une pièce de choix ..... Francis
  12. Francis Gekiere

    Completed Critique bucanier Pegaso bust

    tank's for your compliment Stralis, Stephen, Tony, Robert and Mitsutaka Fancis
  13. Francis Gekiere

    Completed Critique Sgt legion winter 1870

    Sculpting by my friend Michel Hupet, i ave very apreciate to paint thi's figure, one more colaboration wiht one of the best creator of Belgium. And the next .... is !!!!!!!!! I will post som pic's wen the painting is over ..... Francis
  14. Francis Gekiere

    Update 2: Tartan

    A great job on tartan, very intresting SBS, i'm sure that you ave a secret , a litel touch of wisky in the cleaning brush mixt ...... :) Francis
  15. Francis Gekiere

    Completed Critique bucanier Pegaso bust

    Tanks all for your compliment Francis
  16. Francis Gekiere

    Completed Critique Norman knigth 54mm Pegaso

    Tanks all for your compliment Francis
  17. Francis Gekiere

    Completed Critique Norman knigth 54mm Pegaso

    a over one job for a french collector very nice to paint like alway's in Pegaso ... comment are welcom Francis
  18. Francis Gekiere

    Completed Critique bucanier Pegaso bust

    hello all thi's my last work very nice figure too paint Comment are welcom Francis
  19. Francis Gekiere

    Marcellin de Marbot Barron col 7th Hussards 1815

    tank's for your compliment Ken ... ok Daniel, je te contacterai demain via planet ..... o) Francis
  20. Francis Gekiere

    Marcellin de Marbot Barron col 7th Hussards 1815

    tank's for commentary and compliment Jay and Marc Francis