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  1. phc35

    The Red Lancers Miniatures Auction

    Seeing Chuck,standing behind his tables at most any show you went to in the USA,made me feel all was right with the world .I could always count on Chuck to help my wife,at Christmas or birthday. I’ve lost 2 friends who helped me enjoy the world of miniatures John Pietras and Chuck. Rip sirs
  2. phc35

    Jeffshiu's Miniatures 120mm - Guadalcanal Marine Reconnaissance 1942

    I’d like to see them with ‘03 Springfields
  3. phc35

    WIP Critique French line infantry Voltigeur, 1812

    It looks similar to an old Ceremonial Studios Voltiguer.That probably dates me as a old timer. I do like your rendition.
  4. phc35

    WIP United Empire Miniatures,Grenadier 26TH Regmnt of foot

    Starting to reach the final stretch with this guy. I love grenadier figures with the Mitre caps. Painted with Vallejo,Andrea,and Jo Sonya
  5. phc35

    New Life Miniatures...

    Wehrmacht: The MG42 army.who was left to be an ammo carrier.
  6. phc35

    Completed Italian Peacekeeper Beirut 1982

    I found this figure while moving boxes and I believe it is a Cheshire Volunteers 54MM. Wearing a white helmet and dark green cockerel feathers,the Italian Bersiglere Were elite light troops of the Italian army Painted with acrylics
  7. phc35

    WIP UnitedEmpire Miniatures bust, “Hornblower of URI”

    Painted in Acrylics
  8. phc35

    'The Fight for the Flag' - Boxart by Gerard Rubio

    I’m having multiple Carl Reidisms over this one!
  9. phc35

    WIP Bane-my first vinyl figure

    I ‘be always wanted to try one of the larger vinyl figure kits. I found this old kit on E-bay and being too big to hand paint,dug out the airbrush and the AV Game airFace Painting set. Thanks for looking
  10. phc35

    Italian Paratrooper 1;35, 120mm

    Oh yea!!!!!
  11. phc35

    WIP Critique Last stand for Hitler.

    This scene is made up of a Black Dog resin base and 2New world figures and 1 Verlinfen
  12. phc35

    WIP Critique German tanker. Battle of the Bulge

    German tanker Battle of the Bulge
  13. phc35

    Lieutenant Chasseur d'Alpin 1918

    For me, that is inspiring . Makes me want to try harder to improve. Love it!
  14. phc35

    Lost my friend and a mentor

    On September 28 2018'the figure world lost mt friend John Petras .In the 1980's he was part owner of the Penn Station hobby shop in Erie, Pa.It was there that many people learned of figure painting. Fridaynights was the meeting of the Misery Bay figure painters ,with Miami Vice booming on...
  15. phc35

    Custom base of irregular size

    hope this helps
  16. phc35

    Custom base of irregular size

    Hello: My wonderful wife ,unknowingly by me ,found a garage kit figure of The Invisible Man by Koma Designs.The kit is titled , "MR. Griffin" and gave it to me as a birthday present. What I need is going to be a custom base for the kit. I'm not sure how to measure it as it is a meandering...
  17. phc35

    The Passing of Chuck Robinson of Red Lancers

    My first per chase of a figure was from Red Lancer at the Chester show. Always had great service from mail order,and to me the sign that all was right in the world,was The Chicago Show and going into the vendor area and seeing Chuck Standing tall, handing the pies of "hold these for me" kis...
  18. phc35

    WIP Russian Infantryman 1713

    nice work ,I like it a lot
  19. phc35

    Completed Echelon Tanker figures

    It has been awhile for me on finshing something, but here goes.I really like the Echelon figures. Crisp detail,few parts. One figure is a Russian Tank Commander Chechnya and one figure is a German crew man of a Panzer WW2.Painted with Acrylics