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  1. gforceman

    DADDY'S LIL GIRL By Andrea Miniatures

    Does someone know if this is a white metal or resin casting? I have been able to buy a resin version of Harley Quinn at SMC this year, but in another pose. If this one is resin too I will buy it for sure. Cheers, Gino
  2. gforceman

    Mountain troll. Continuation.

    Great work! Makes me think of the Rackham/Confrontation line of figures and of the great artist Paul Bonner. Excellent sculpting, congrats! Cheers, Gino
  3. gforceman


    Is this a fantasy piece or something exotic historical? Looks like fun to paint though. Cheers, Gino
  4. gforceman

    Legendarion - News

    Yeah, a lot of tries and even more errors. No seriously, the pics of the one shown above showcase some serious painting skills, especially the freehand work but also the ultra smooth blending. Really wish I could paint paint like that. He Marc, we missed you at the Crisis show last week. There...
  5. gforceman

    Legendarion - News

    Wow, what a great paintjob. Should I can get mine half as good as this one I will be a very, very happy man. Thanks for sharing, Gino
  6. gforceman

    Euro Miniature Expo (Euro Militaire)

    First of all I want to appologies for speaking to soon, a bad habbit of mine, as I today found out I had to pay only£10 for my display with 5 models.I'll try to think before I'll write in the future, or don't write at all. I don't find it very polite though to be called an idiot just because I...
  7. gforceman

    Euro Miniature Expo (Euro Militaire)

    I thought it twas £10 a display? This is even worse than the Old Euro. Way too expensive! Gino
  8. gforceman

    For Sale 75mm figures

    Pm for Danzo. Cheers, Gino
  9. gforceman

    Gary Moore, 1/9

    Can't wait till one day someone decides to come with the rap gods from the 80/90 ! Would buy those for sure! Gino
  10. gforceman

    Mid-Nor Scourge Bearer

    I don't like it, I LOVE it. Those Rackham figures remain among the best, even to today's standard. Wonderful painting, Gino
  11. gforceman

    Mr. Lee's Minis - News

    that dragon trainer is an absolute must buy for me! I hope to see more of sculptures like this from that sculptor! Cheers, Gino
  12. gforceman

    N.A.W Magazine Compendium vol. 1

    Very nice magazine and I will order the others for sure. I also would like to order the bust by Fran Brushi, based on the Confrontation game, but I can't find any link or website where I can do this. I would greatly appreciate any help on obtaining this fantastic bust. Cheers, Gino
  13. gforceman

    Mirico Collectibles (Singapore) - News

    Oh boy, oh boy, my wallet is noy going to be happy. Two must haves! Gino
  14. gforceman

    acrylic problem

    hi guys, thank you very much for all your help in this search to solve my paint problem. I feel motivated again, have been painting a bit earlier and had fun again. What a difference with the last couple of days; which were all about frustration! Hello Carl and Alex, I will give the...
  15. gforceman

    acrylic problem

    Hi all, I am wondering if someone has come across the following problem, or even beter has a solution? I wash, and prime my models the normal way (spraycan, black, then white overspray). The basecoat I lay on with a brush, no problem so far. Then during the highlight stage, can be with the...
  16. gforceman

    Broken Toad - News

    On my "to buy list" for next month! Greetz, Gino
  17. gforceman

    New Historical Figure Magazine from FigureMentors

    Now, if only somebody would make such a magazine for fantasy figures... And I mean on painting them, not on how to play with them. Cheers, Gino
  18. gforceman

    Legendarion - News

    Where to buy and how much does she cost?