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  1. darkeye

    Wanting to Buy 1/35 Friulmodel Academy figure + Warriors African head set

    try here !! :) Fruilmodel Code Fr35 £ 5.95 Regards --- Tim:))
  2. darkeye

    Hochmeister 75mm

    wow!:0 SSWWEEET! nice job on this one !! love the dirty whites and rich red. excellent mate. all the best -- tim :)
  3. darkeye

    prices euromilitaire 2008

    Carl , well put mate! i will be there next year for sure, i like the venue and looking at the competition stuff. regards --- tim. :)
  4. darkeye

    General Sir John Monash

    now thats great! hi Tony! the overall effect is excellent mate; looks really good- love oils and the face is very good. regards ----- tim :)
  5. darkeye

    General George Custer 40mm ( Liliputian)

    great little sculpt ! lots of character in it! :) regards ---- Tim :)
  6. darkeye

    New Club/Open painting in West Michigan

    thats a nice thing to do ! reminds me of my Golden days when a horde of us would have Paint n Pizza! it was fun and folks improved quickly, it was very social and some of the best times i can remember so good luck Wendy! hope you cobble together a fine Crew and have fun. :)...
  7. darkeye

    Norman Knight (Elite)

    top stuff! yep! very nice skin tones. this was the first figure to turn my head from Fantasy/GW circles and i still remember that article! its a lovely figure. regards --- tim :)
  8. darkeye

    13 Russians in a Krupp Protze

    Currently looking for a suitable miniature scale myself. EHHH!? who said that?!! i cant believe i used to paint and wet blend 30MM figs so i hear ya ( even if i cant see ya!) :p regards ------ tim :)
  9. darkeye

    Chicago Show - eating at Maggiano's

    one of these days! well i gotta say, i am planning on attending one year! it would be nice to see new sights and how shows 'feel' there Wendy. hope you have a great time and meet lots of nice Folks and some new friends too. now then ...... here Piggy Piggy! :)...
  10. darkeye

    prices euromilitaire 2008

    AAAAAATCHHOOOO!! (bless you !) sounds to me having read the threads that the dreaded 'Golden Demon Plague' has hit! :) Its long been the problem that the Few do not care to listen to the Many; i felt this when i was immersed in the GW hobby. I painted up to 12 hrs a day, lived and...
  11. darkeye

    "I'm So Cute !!!"

    mean and Green! i like him ! he's green!! i am a fan of anthying Orcish. nice tones and blends. saw a model at Euro; dont think i could paint that small, it was tiny! well done on a fine job mate. regards --- tim :)
  12. darkeye

    prices euromilitaire 2008

    may i say..... like what you were saying Dave; i noticed that there seemed to be less this year in many respects. Perhaps the answer is that these events should be Exhibitions rather than Competetions? as you stated, the main fun was had for free where people met , had a Beer and talked shop...
  13. darkeye

    Standard Bearer of Numenor

    I love Tolkien stuff too! great idea and some fine free-hand on the piece. regards -- tim :)
  14. darkeye

    General Sir John Monash

    now its really coming alive Tony! looks really great. its nice to paint something you had worked hard on i bet. hope you get an award in the future for this fella mate, reckon you deserve it. all the best Tony ___ tim :)
  15. darkeye

    13 Russians in a Krupp Protze

    13 figures would drive me nuts! well done on this one mate, some interesting details as mentioned not to metion the scale, doubt i could paint them . must have taken a good few weeks of work. as for colour, i know nothing of WW colours but like what i see...
  16. darkeye

    ANDROID 1/7th and general Polyclay discussion.

    cool! nice to hear that Sniper; i still like Green Stuff but Sculpey is quicker. now i am getting in to Wax so will start a thread on that soon! the 'Android ' malfunctioned!! :) the left leg was a quarter of a head too long( hate size creep!) but was sucessful in that i improved my...
  17. darkeye

    hi Tony, results of test posted- tim :)

    hi Tony, results of test posted- tim :)
  18. darkeye

    ANDROID 1/7th and general Polyclay discussion.

    hi Bad91fellow, what comic is that mate? regards --- tim. :) Tony, baked the top half of a Verlinden samurai, added hoorns to the helmet and left the sword on ; sword bend but otherwise ok, fingers held no probs, no...
  19. darkeye

    Just got back from Euromilitaire!

    cheers Quang! it was lovely to chat about sculpting with you mate; if you want any more info on wax and tools ect then start a thread in 'Sculpting' :} regards --- tim :)
  20. darkeye

    ANDROID 1/7th and general Polyclay discussion.

    from what i have read on the Clubhouse/heard, the Pro Guys say resin is fine with sculpey at low temps- i have an old resin model so will check the validity of this rumor/fact mate! it would be good for you to be able to do conversions minus a reaction. one thing i would be certain of ,small...