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  1. baronband

    Mick's Mick's new bust 5th Royal Irish lancer

    Another nice bust, quite the growing range John
  2. baronband

    Open Book Review : Flesh & Skin Reference Book by AK Interactive - Michigan Toy Soldier Blog

    Hi Guys, love the look of this book. Tried the above links but no dice, does anyone know where you can get it from in the UK? Cheers! John
  3. baronband

    WIP Operation Market Garden 1944 - Painting Stage

    Looking good mate! I reckon with your style of paining these boys are going to look like some tough battle weary lads. John
  4. baronband

    Mookies Miniatures- New company first release.

    A very nice item indeed, looks good and the box art is a fantastic paint job, its screaming out for some cam cream in the face. Nice work! John
  5. baronband

    micks micks bust wip

    Unbelievable work, well done sir! John
  6. baronband

    Young Miniatures SAS Jeep Machine Gunner

    Very nice indeed, might be a good idea if the monkey is removable in my opinion. John
  7. baronband

    200mm Para mortar carrier

    Beautuful work Grant John
  8. baronband

    Coldstream Guard 1815

    Ralph so sorry to hear you are going through such a difficult time. I know this hobby can help at times, it has for me. The bust is excellent mate good work all round. John
  9. baronband

    Completed Stanley Baker as Lt. John Chard (MMM, 1/9)

    Very well done indeed, as you can see from my avatar its one of my favourite films too…. but I do have a Royal Engineer bias too! John
  10. baronband

    World Expo Preview - W W I British Lewis Gunner

    Wow, I have just fallen in love! John
  11. baronband

    Sgt 5th Dragoons 200mm figure

    A very good start, I will follow with interest as I have him on my bench John
  12. baronband

    Completed Critique Officer 52nd Foot, 1812

    Hi Ben, as always great work, nice character in that face. This bust really has been brought to life! John
  13. baronband

    Review 6th Inniskilling Dragoon from Mick's Mick's

    Very nice indeed, I must start saving the pennies! John
  14. baronband

    Completed Critique Berthier

    Beautiful as usual Ben, I would love to know how you created the silver. John
  15. baronband

    Sergeant Black Watch 1882 - Steve Leadley

    Very nice Gordon John
  16. baronband

    Completed MMM's 120mm Mountain Man

    Top top class work, that face! John
  17. baronband

    Completed Critique Officer, 5th Bat., 60th (Royal American) Regiment 1812, Stormtroopers

    Great paint on a very nice bust, the greens of the Jacket are spot on. John