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  1. kagemusha

    The end of an era

    A true Monarch...'Regal' does not do her justice. So sad for her to have to have witnessed the destruction of the nation she loved and lived for. R.I.P. your majesty. Ron
  2. kagemusha

    Wanting to Buy Hush bust

    I spent 3 years looking for one...not a single bite...although...depending on your personal viewpoint...there is a very 'similar' one on AliExpress :sneaky:
  3. kagemusha

    1879 Miniatures Sergeant Natal Carbineers

    Hi mate Love it...more so in 120 mm (y) Excuse my ignorance but...what's a 'donga' wall ? Ron
  4. kagemusha

    super glue

    The short answer is yes they regulations for 'domestic' adhesives were applied 3 years ago. If you want a good fast CA...look for the 'industrial' grades...such as...
  5. kagemusha

    Poste Militaire 90mm Mounted French Dragoon, instructions needed

    Which aspect concerns you Mike? Ron
  6. kagemusha

    New figures from Legion Miniatures!

    If I may offer this (purely personal) interpretation of this scene/group. First off...take out the female...and what you are left with is a group of soldiers...probably drunk...telling bawdy jokes. Secondly...if the female figure was not bare breasted...and had a laughing face/expression...given...
  7. kagemusha

    First Oil Painting in 40 years

    As a suggestion that many overlook...many houses have a natural 'drying box' built's commonly known in the UK as an 'airing' cupboard...usually housing an immersion heater /hot water tank :sneaky: Ron
  8. kagemusha

    using a paperclip or something else?

    This is a typical set of Micro Carbide drill bits...
  9. kagemusha

    WIP Maori bust in progress

    Only comment I would absolutely first class start (y) Ron
  10. kagemusha

    WIP Orc Rager (Black Sun)

    Many thanks Ski...great to hear from ya :)
  11. kagemusha

    WIP Orc Rager (Black Sun)

    As I said earlier...I want to get away from the stereotypical 'green' orc flesh tones and try something different on this one. In a conversation with Del...he sent me a couple of pics which got me thinking..... Whilst considering which would work best...taking into account his...
  12. kagemusha

    WIP Orc Rager (Black Sun)

    Thanks Del...have to just couldn't be left like that...and agree...looks far more natural now. Cheers Frank...simple is always best. Thanks Nap...always appreciate your support. Many thanks for comment...and yes...anything that makes life easier is worth the effort.
  13. kagemusha

    Measuring Per Parts Of Oil Paint?

    I met a guy several years back who was so OCD about colour mixing that he had a book of mixes...not just the colours used...but the amount of each colour by weight! (he used a set of lab grade scales which cost a fortune). Another often missed fact when trying to replicate a described...
  14. kagemusha

    WIP Orc Rager (Black Sun)

    With the prep came a solid coat of black primer...left to gas off for twenty minutes...then several mist coats of matt white primer were applied. The first three mist coats were applied using the 'zenithal' approach (directly from above)...with the next coats applied from ever...
  15. kagemusha

    WIP Orc Rager (Black Sun)

    Having been MIA for a couple of years...although I have stayed in touch with what's been going on here...I thought it was time to put in an appearance again :eek: With the current state of world affairs...not to mention the financial standing of so many of was a pleasant surprise to find...
  16. kagemusha

    Calling all Kiwis! Request for help with Te Moka designs

    This might help....... As the facial designs are symmetrical...front and both side views of the same person should not be needed...and a google image search of "maori ta moko" will give you plenty of results. Ron
  17. kagemusha

    Measuring Per Parts Of Oil Paint?

    Which ever medium people choose to use, there is no substitute for experience. This is especially true of colour mixing and, even given the amount of books and videos available, many are put off by the seemingly endless 'recipes' offered. Although the acrylic users are far more catered to in the...
  18. kagemusha

    Measuring Per Parts Of Oil Paint?

    If I may offer this (note; this is a purely personal opinion) and having read the above linked article, some comments on points raised. His constant referral to needing to use mineral/white spirits in regard to painting with oils, is a very misleading statement for those wishing to try them...
  19. kagemusha

    Uniform reference needed

    The only 1/16 Schimmwagen available would seem to be the 'Torro' Radio Control version...a Google search will easily find it.
  20. kagemusha

    Talc and Oil Wash???

    If I may...the use of 'pastels'...or indeed 'pigments' (the dry ones) has been around in the figure arena for a great many years. I myself enjoyed using them on several of my pieces...this being a prime example... the example...