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  1. kagemusha

    tamiya 1/25th scale panther tank

    New one on me Andrew...I stand corrected (y)
  2. kagemusha

    tamiya 1/25th scale panther tank

    I assume you mean 1/ not heard or seen a 1/25 from Tamiya. These are some of the best 1/35 figures on the market.....
  3. kagemusha

    Don Quixote - Nuts Planet

    Well you have achieved that Rick ;) I went for a 'confused' look for mine :confused: Ron
  4. kagemusha

    Don Quixote - Nuts Planet

    Good progress Rick...started to capture the personality nicely now (y) Ron
  5. kagemusha

    Don Quixote - Nuts Planet

    Nice start Lars (y) Ron
  6. kagemusha

    It's going to happen one day

  7. kagemusha

    Don Quixote - Nuts Planet

    He's a lot of fun to paint...enjoy :) My version... Ron
  8. kagemusha

    Soldering Horses

    Twice tried...twice failed! :mad: The melting point of white metal being lower than so called low melt solders in my personal experience. I either use epoxy resin (2 part)...or epoxy metal putty. CA gel is another's prone to drying brittle over time...causing cracks to...
  9. kagemusha

    The Joker Flat

    Absolutely superb. Ron
  10. kagemusha

    Chinese general from Pegaso Models.

    Otherworldly painting have a very rare talent Olga...amazing work. Respect Ron
  11. kagemusha

    WIP Post Militaire Mounted Hussar Trumpeter

    Way I look at it Steve...if the grey turns out rubbish...then I have that one to fall back on :sneaky:
  12. kagemusha

    WIP Critique The Morrigan, 75mm

    Congratulations Tony...a well deserved haul of medals...and a gorgeous bonus to boot (y) Ron
  13. kagemusha

    WIP Post Militaire Mounted Hussar Trumpeter

    Was tempted to use the bare horse I did a few years back..... But sticking with a dappled grey as planned.
  14. kagemusha

    WIP Post Militaire Mounted Hussar Trumpeter

    Glad you like the base Steve...and believe me...a Chestnut is still a challenge :eek:
  15. kagemusha

    WIP Post Militaire Mounted Hussar Trumpeter

    Dappled Grey's are by far my favourite coat...and provide a real challenge in so many ways...there are infinite variations to choose from...and the range of colours is unique in itself. PM's horses have always been a challenge to hold/support whilst painting...with the obvious point of contact...
  16. kagemusha

    WIP Post Militaire Mounted Hussar Trumpeter

    Been involved in another project...but have managed to get the horse cleaned up...getting slow in my old age mate :rolleyes:
  17. kagemusha

    Acrylic or Oil equivalencies

    As far as I am aware Gerry...there does not exist any kind of comparison chart between oils and acrylics. Logically...if you grab some colour charts from the web...the reason will become obvious for the lack of such. There are a far greater number of acrylic shades than there are oils...with so...
  18. kagemusha

    75mm French Napoleonic Gun team.

    Perfect response Gordon...and a gorgeous piece to boot. Ron
  19. kagemusha

    WIP Post Militaire Mounted Hussar Trumpeter

    Cheers Carl...pleased you like the start :)
  20. kagemusha

    WIP Post Militaire Mounted Hussar Trumpeter

    Hello mate...been a fair while...what with the strange world we live in now...and a general loss of enthusiasm...which hopefully will return with this project...glad to have you along for the ride (y)