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  1. marcellin de marbot

    Lancer Of Berg..Help Again..

    Hi Dee, I would see your soldier, I remember you wrote at the beginning he was an UEM figure (and I understood United Empire Miniatures, but I cannot find him in their online catalogue). Is his uniform white and crimson as used in the first period 1807-1809, or the green and crimson kurtka...
  2. marcellin de marbot

    OSCEOLA - 54 mm Romeo Models

    Dear Bruno, May I call you so? I read with interest your words about Little Big Horn, I think the doubt on the numbers comes from the matter that Custer had originally under his command the 7th regiment formed by the 600 men you say, but he spotted the regiment in three detachments, one...
  3. marcellin de marbot

    OSCEOLA - 54 mm Romeo Models

    Dear Mr. Schmaeling, When I was a child, I played many times with my "indian" figurines. At that time, I was already on the side of Native, while the movies of the 50's showed that they was always the bad, and the whites were always the right. Now, we all know the truth, Native Americans were...
  4. marcellin de marbot

    OSCEOLA - 54 mm Romeo Models

    Hello Mr.Schmaeling, The sources I used to write the historical notes were written by white men, not by Seminoles, then it's normal they named the incident with Major Dude a "Massacre". What you said, is a famous phrase said by a great native chief. "When are the whites to win, they say that's...
  5. marcellin de marbot

    1/72 Scale Figure for Hugomont:

    Hi Jon, Sorry, reading the comments on Osceola (I am the third and hidden worker, concerning the historical research) I had forgotten your figures. No criticism, I wish only give you my little help. I assume that's very difficult painting so small figures, their sculpture is made for wargaming...
  6. marcellin de marbot

    1/72 Scale Figure for Hugomont:

    Hi Jon, I think that in this type of nice and crowded dioramas, as the "Black Watch at Waterloo" you made, the most important result is the background, the quantity of figures, the colours, in a few words the whole scenery, more than the single figures. Then, I don't say anything about the...
  7. marcellin de marbot

    Napoleon bust

    Hola Alfonso "Mortimer" Normalmente no tengo el costumbre de expresar mi opinion sobre la calidad de una escultura, o de una pintura, pero frente a mi Emperador no puedo callarme. Buena cara, muy linda, muy precisa, y...muy seria. Sera el dia siguiente Waterloo? Muy bien Alfonso, la cabeza esta...
  8. marcellin de marbot

    Heroic Miniatures - New Releases

    Uhmmm, I think Major Frank North had serious hesitations to recruit this Pawnee among his scouts.
  9. marcellin de marbot

    Napoleon - Traveling Exhibit

    Hello Guy, Very interesting, thanks for sharing. A great fragment of history Best regards M
  10. marcellin de marbot

    Project need-90mm Well/Trough or Cistern

    Hi William, Sorry, in this case I don't help your horse, I don't remember this type of accessories in 90mm, being not my preferred scale. But on PF many fellows are experts in the larger scales, may be anyone can help you. Best regards M
  11. marcellin de marbot

    Art Girona

    Hi Dani, hi to all, I understand what you said, but I cannot agree the idea we must accept the negligence in making an historical figure, especially speaking of whatever professional sculptor. It's possible that some modelers/buyers are not able to notice some mistakes in an uniform, or in an...
  12. marcellin de marbot

    Project need-90mm Well/Trough or Cistern

    Hi, ckleisch I did not understood if your horse needs a producer where to buy a fountain in 90mm, or he wants some images to copy ideas for making himself...LOL Best regards M
  13. marcellin de marbot

    Art Girona

    Hola Dani, Esta pero es una responsabilidad del pintor, non de Latorre, que ya tiene varias faltas por su cuenta, no lo enculpamos por eso tambien. Hasta luego M
  14. marcellin de marbot

    Art Girona

    Hi to all, After seeing the Art Girona site, I can confirm what Dani said. In the larger photo the ornement on the bearskin seems an eagle, that's uncorrect. The Line Grenadiers had a grenade, usually placed in the centre of the brass plate. Guard had an eagle in the centre and small grenades...
  15. marcellin de marbot

    Art Girona

    Hi to all, We are always at the same point. The man, a Line Grenadier I suppose owing to the grey colour of his coat, has another coat rolled over the haversack...Besides, the bearskin seems small to me, I should say the whole head looks small, and the buttons on the cuffs are uncorrect, they...
  16. marcellin de marbot

    Hidatsa native American tribe - HELP ! ! !

    Hi Johan, Native Americans, the second my passion with the Napoleonic uniforms, but less complicated as costumes. Hidatsa or Minnetaree, or Minatarre, a Siouan family tribe, very connected with Mandans and Arikara, living in North Dakota, along the upper Missouri river. Their dress was very...
  17. marcellin de marbot

    Napoleon Bio?

    Hi Jon, In the meantime you think, I can say: "Napoleon" by David Chandler, one of the greatest specialist in nap history, I think just the first good reading to learn something of the military adventure of Napoleon "Napoleon Bonaparte" by Abbott SC John The life of Napoleon Bonaparte three...
  18. marcellin de marbot

    Napoleon Bio?

    Hello Jon, Interesting intention. I think there are several biographies on Napoleon written in English, but are you looking a book about the man, to know better his human side, his thinking, his family and life, or the military wiew of an Army Commander, the great strategist, his military...
  19. marcellin de marbot

    French Napoleonic Turnback ornaments

    Thanks Blind Pew, As I said sometimes in this site, it's for me a pleasure help anyone makes napoleonic uniformes, it's really better for me to see an uniform correctly painted. Pas de quoi pour le merci en français, mais je suis italien Marcello
  20. marcellin de marbot

    French Napoleonic Turnback ornaments

    Hi Steve, If I remember right, the officer of Metal Models is of the 3rd regiment in 1808, and he has the number 3 engraved on the corners of the flag. But Mr.Leibovitz did not sculp anything on the turnbacks, to leave free the modelist, or to be sure not making mistakes. However, following the...