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  1. marcellin de marbot

    French Artillery 1793

    Hello Paulo, For the guns, you can see my message on the post about Nemrod News in main page, answering to a question of Robert C33. There is the drawing of a gun Gribeauval system, used from Revolutionary wars to the end of the Empire and more. The common guns used by French Artillery were of...
  2. marcellin de marbot

    Historex and Nemrod lastest products

    Bonjour Robert, Vous avez posé cette question sur le site "Napoléon et l'Empire", en y récevant le conseil de rechercher le HS Tradition n.23 sur l'artillerie napoléonienne. Toutefois, je vous donne la réponse, avec des images du système Gribeauval. Le mesures des canons 1:1 étaient: Pièce de...
  3. marcellin de marbot

    roman body armor

    Hi Dong Shik Here another interesting link for you, of my friends re enacting old romains, coming from 30th Legio Ulpia Victrix Regards MdM
  4. marcellin de marbot

    Historex and Nemrod lastest products

    Euh, je le regrette, pas de résine pour moi, j'aime le métal. A quand le prochain indien pour notre ami Luca? ;) J'avais lui proposé mon aide pour cela (c'est le second thème que j'étude, après le napoléonien), mais il a préféré l'Allemagne... :angry: Amitiés MdM
  5. marcellin de marbot

    german afrika korps

    Hello Asi Pel, The right colours of the DAK uniform, if you could use Vallejo Modelcor, can be various shades with the number 9 Amarillo Arena, 123 Arena Oscura and 124 Arena Iraqui, owing to the weathering of clothes very used and exposed to sun and sand winds. But if you don't use Vallejo...
  6. marcellin de marbot

    roman body armor

    Hi dong Shik, Well sure, legionaries polished often their armours, brushing with straw, because the material (iron or steel as said Einion) was poor and got oxide always. Regards MdM
  7. marcellin de marbot

    Historex and Nemrod lastest products

    Salut Benoit L'adjudant et l'officier de l'Artillerie GI sont en résine, n'est ce pas? Cordialement MdM
  8. marcellin de marbot

    Empress Dragoon

    Hi Kevin, You are at a too early step to say anything; only speaking of painting, not of uniformology, I think you should paint the mottles of the leopard skin a little different. The colour you used to make the border has to be in centre of the mottles, while the external circle is black...
  9. marcellin de marbot

    NLP Miniatures

    Hello Yeo, Here the npl. I found it seeing in Legend site, so I think that they are distributed in your Country by Legend. Regards MdM
  10. marcellin de marbot

    French Empress dragoon

    MAA Guard Cavalry is relatively good, but the only officer in colour image is dressed with cloak (however you can read the text), MAA Dragoons and Lancers describes the dragoons OF THE LINE, that are rather different. The aiguillettes, for example, that were a prerogative of the Guard and staff...
  11. marcellin de marbot

    Valiant Miniatures?? Anyone can give some feedback

    Hi Xenofon, I agree with Roc, Valiant are figures scuplted many many years ago, their level is not good, I bought more than 20 years ago a napoleonic adc and a mounted mamelouk, because they were the only made at that time, but nowadays the market offers better solutions. Regards MdM
  12. marcellin de marbot

    French Empress dragoon

    Hi Kevin, Aiguillettes and epaulettes are "aurore"(orange) for the soldiers, GOLD for the officers. Brass buttons for all Regards and happy New Year MdM
  13. marcellin de marbot

    Finished Grenadier Conversion

    Hello Luca, Another little detail, after the things I said you. Your grenadier wears his fine blue greatcoat, then what is the cloth rolled above his haversack, the handkerchief for his nose? :lol: Bye MdM Greetings for Stefano and his fighting musicians ;)
  14. marcellin de marbot

    Finished Grenadier Conversion

    Già, è come se in mezzo a Roll over Beethoven ci mettessi dentro un assolo di Mike Stern :o :lol: ;) Ciao M
  15. marcellin de marbot

    Finished Grenadier Conversion

    Salve Luca, Complimenti per la conversione, il figurino ha un bel movimento dinamico. Per quanto riguarda la uniformologia, sarò pignolo, ma in campagna cordone e fiocchi venivano rimossi dal colbacco. Inoltre, trattandosi chiaramente di inverno, le ghette erano nere, le bianche si portavano...
  16. marcellin de marbot

    Musician 2

    Hi Stephen, I understand what you said about sky blue, but I think it was a bit deeper in this case. About the cord, I put here a photo of a real shako, where you can see both cord and tassel as they were, I think this may be useful for every fan of nap figures. Yours is rather similar, perhaps...
  17. marcellin de marbot

    Musician 2

    Hi Stephen, Nice work, both sculpture and painting, from the musician to the instrument. If I can suggest you, only a bit darker the sky blue...Besides, the cord of the colback is not so simple, may be easier build it in this way, but it's not true. Have you made so to have a work more easy, or...
  18. marcellin de marbot

    Pegaso Miniatures

    Hi Tamas, Don't worry, I said so only to joke with the history. Besides, I have not a good knowledge of English as Glenn to depict the tale of Roland. Regards MdM
  19. marcellin de marbot

    Pegaso Miniatures

    Hello Tamas, Have you studied history? Charlemagne? The Frankish?The paladins?The "Durendal", that is not only a brand of soldiers, but a famous sword? The ambush of the Basques against the French who came back in France after the campaign against muslims in Spain and were attacked on 15 august...
  20. marcellin de marbot

    SS Panzer Officer Normandy 1944

    Hello Doug, It's not my favourite period, but I can give you some suggestions Regards MdM