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  1. P

    ANZAC at Gallipoli,1915.Light up ,Acmodels

    Morning my son,.. mate bring a couple of casting with you to QMHE he's a good wee piece of work they will love him... ..Phil..
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    Completed Dwarf Bust Phil Walden

    Hi!...Gordy, lan has allways done my pic's. as l do not have a camera.this is just a wee way of appreciation for all his efforts, plus he's a bloody good mate.... cheers cobber...Phil..
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    WIP garibaldini pictures

    Hi!..Stefano,. Phil here again, mate l do like the Dutch lancer,also the Vistaul lancer??yes//no are... you going to work up into a further stage any of the more line type sketches... this is most enjoyable viewing..cheers cobber, Phil.
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    WIP garibaldini pictures

    hello Stefarno,.. mate l've spent sometime over the last few days looking at your art work and l must say its been most enjoyable. Stefarno l to love my pencils and paints but l was wondering what tooth of paper you use also the height of drawn subject.. good stuff Phil...
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    Completed female Dwarf 100mm

    Ok!..bro, who's been burning the midnight oil, two days ago we sat talking and looking at them,NOW!!..the here they appear all juiced up. Agree with Gordy, like the gentle colours of the apron, mate l know how you feel about this wee WIP.. Good stuff brother..Phil..
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    Completed Gassed - Mustard gas casualties of the 55th West Lancashire

    Re: Gassed - Mustard casualties of the 55th West Lancashire Morning Dan, mate l can appreciate the amount of work in this piece, but what l do like is how you have noted from the photo not just the different heights, but how you have some walking on their heels while others lean forward into...
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    Completed Farseer Traveller & wolf Phil walden

    Hi!..bro, l've allready turned his ears an hour back and thicken his nose, also the fur around his kneck and shoulders..looks better must say... Mate as for the blizzard, brother its just blown its self out....!! will ask lan to do some more pic's. of Mr.Wolf.... catch you my son..Phil..
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    Completed Farseer Traveller & wolf Phil walden

    Hi! guys..thanks for the feed back..l've been working off drawing by Victor Ambrus which he had done of wolves in the London Zoo. Although looking at the pic's.l may turn the ears forward this should widen the skull and pull the eyes into a postion more in the front of the head. l have not paid...
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    John Bowery's Best Figure "The Elder" and "Slow Rider" at Eagle Quest.

    Morning John,love them both, but l do truly enjoy the old chap... great stuff..Phil.
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    WIP Farseer traveller -Phil Waldden Original

    Tony OLD MATE...thanks for reminding now could have saved all that putty and work and the use of all my best swear words...truly guys this bloke is pure fun to sculpt out of left field for me, worked on his head yesterday, big scarf wrapped several times around his face a cotton head cover, like...
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    WIP Papal Swordsmith -Phil Walden original

    Hi folks,..lan thanks for the pic's cobber..he's only half way into the painting and has all his tools of trade to be placed,l'm trying to get the reflection of from the flames of his fernace down one side of every thing, not really happy with things as they stand,but l'll get there, its all...
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    Completed Historex

    Mike, Historex cut my teeth on them,still love them, mate you make feel bad l've not one in many moons, have many kits put the Line Lancer wih his pig sticker, hope you post some more soon... ..phil.
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    Completed Happy Monk

    Mate,just sculpting him must have been great fun, just seeing him moving in ones mind,you'd have too smile, now painting him and his setting he's all pleasure... cheers..phil.
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    WIP Landsnecht 120mm Phil walden sculpt

    Andy, Paul,...hello, thanks for the good words greatly appreciated, sorry Andy he,s a one off.. Paul..mate the colours l truly enjoyed putting together,o!yes the sculpting was nearly as much fun...mate for fifty years l was a signwriter and pictoral artist,right handed only ever new two left...
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    WIP Landsnecht 120mm Phil walden sculpt

    morning folks.. first l must thank lan for his pics..this has been a great fun sculpt and real tough paint job, all the in's and out's around corners etc etc.but l did enjoy it,..afterall thats what its all about. Truly appreciate your kind thoughts..cheers folks. Phil.
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    Completed Fresco Painter -Phil Walden

    Markus, cobber l like your talk,you've got the old brain doing a wee over time, designed in such a way that one would be looking up towards the ceiling but with Michelangelo as the centre of the subject..Your idea cob is a must look at.... cheers Phil...
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    Completed Fresco Painter -Phil Walden

    Afternoon folks...firstly cheers lan for the pics.. This is a happy sculpt and paint, perhaps a wee bit of ego as pictorial artist has been my back ground, near all my life...but sadly he's a one of...All what you see is what l used in my work day..old stall and all he!he!..painted green, by...
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    Kiwi Mates Need your support again!

    Good to read you Brother, all safe thank god, hope to talk to you soon,having a wee problem computer wise my end reciving contact, Marks been first class with giving us news by phone of you all..l have tried your cell phone cant get through but againl think its my lack of know and the...
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    Kiwi Mates Need your support again!

    folks.. just recived imfomation Mark Dunnsmuir and family are safe and home all intact,..John Belcher and family all safe but sadly their home has been lost..l do hope in the case of their home l am proved any thing Noelene and l can help with mate we are here for you and the...
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    Kiwi Mates Need your support again!

    morning folk,. Andy Cains and family are ok, John Belcher and family, Mark Dunnsmuir and family l have been unable to make contact with....hopefully no news is good news,..can only just live in hope.....