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  1. Parkadge

    Lonsome Dove: Gus

    Very nice work Jon. Lonesome Dove is one of my favourite books as are the prequels and the sequels! I really like this piece it captures the mood of the book perfectly.
  2. Parkadge

    Anti treaty figure 1922

    Thanks guys Gary, the torso is from an Academy set that is supposed to be 1/35 but is way over scale. I hope when all the work is done the two halves will match. Frank I used magicsculpt witha little acrylic paint mixed in for colour.
  3. Parkadge

    8th Army figure WIP

    This is a WIP Airfix Multipose figure with a historex head and a preiser left arm, I'm adding putty and foil and might replace the buckles with etched brass. These were the first pack of figures I built and bought in the 70s and the results were thrown out long ago in a house clearance. This...
  4. Parkadge

    resculpting hair

    Here is a previous post containing some tips from Gary Dombrowski on sculpting hair Hope this helps
  5. Parkadge

    Safety and Health Precautions for Two-Part Putty

    I have read of people having a reaction from handling resin models but IIRC it was a reaction to the traces of the silicone or latex mould still present on the casting. I suppose the first thing to do is wash the model well before handling
  6. Parkadge

    Help with camouflage

    Hio Jeff I'm no expert so I'll direct you towards some articles on Camo painting on ML and Armorama that may help
  7. Parkadge

    Safety and Health Precautions for Two-Part Putty

    What about when you're brushing the putty to smooth it and you lick the brush to add moisture, is that safe ;)
  8. Parkadge

    How does one set up a vbench

    It is the comments block, I had the same problem then I wrote something in it and my application was processed.
  9. Parkadge

    Obergefreiter, Großdeutschland Division, Fall Bleu

    Looks great, nicely angled photo too. I like the strap work.
  10. Parkadge

    How does one set up a vbench

    Thank you Gordy, I hope to post more of my work soon
  11. Parkadge

    How does one set up a vbench

    I have a new digital camera, some putty, a large pile of unmade figure kits and some time on my hands which I would like to put to good use. How do I set up a vbench for myself?
  12. Parkadge

    Anti treaty figure 1922

    A small update Christos I think the legs are the right length it was the angle of the phot that made them look too short for the body. The head is not glued in place and will sit in a bit more.
  13. Parkadge

    Anti treaty figure 1922

    This is a WIP shot of my figure representing an Anti Treaty figure from the Irish Civil War. On the left is the figure as it is now and on the right a mock up showing roughly what I hope it will look like when finished. Any comments welcomed
  14. Parkadge

    Panzerknacker/ Winter Tanker

    Terrific work. Full of Charachter. The guy with the panzerschreck reminds me of the Schnurrbart charachter from the movie Cross of Iron
  15. Parkadge

    an idiot at Dublin airport

    Dublin airport police are not the most sensitive people in the world. I would write as Bluesking has suggested with the photographs and a description of the officer and the date and time it happened. Threaten legal action to recover the cost of the model.
  16. Parkadge

    Trenches of Verdun

    Very nice work. I like the angle of the figure to the ground. The helmet conversion also looks good. I have tried converting WW2 helmets back to WW1 and they always end up looking like Samurai helmets.
  17. Parkadge

    Photos reveals all!

    I borrowed a good digital camera to take some shots of my work and like you I was horrified to see the results. So I'd agree that a camera is an essential tool for self criticism. But I would go digital, the difference between my praktika (+ extension tube + close up filter) and the Canon...
  18. Parkadge

    Composition question

    They're a sherman crew of the 3rd Arm'd div Belgium September 1944 having their photo taken after coming out of action. That's it I'm afraid. No big story, no big historic event. Just a still life with miniatures
  19. Parkadge

    Composition question

    Lots of great advice there thanks everyone. They are supposed to be posing for a photo something like this one. But after reading the advice here I have been playing around and come up with this. I have replaced the sitting figure as he wouldn't fit on the tank. Nothing is settled as yet but...
  20. Parkadge

    Composition question

    Which composition for my Sherman crew do you think works better? I'm strongly thinking of leaving the seated figure out.