Funny I prefer the Sylmasta A&B to milliput. I try to use it in an additive way so that I don't have too much carving to do. I've also had good results with it mixing in varying amounts of Duro. Is there a European or UK supplier for Aves?
Scale Link make one in 1/32
There's a great drawing of a crouchingUS soldier using one in the Osprey Men At Arms book The US Army of WW1
HR Productions also make a Thompson. There is no illustration of it on their site and I have been dissappointed in the lack of detail on some of the other weapons I have bought from them but it might give you something you can improve on
Of course you...
I think you could modify this idea
by creating a one piece or what in pottery is called a sprig mould. Put some type of release agent on the pocket and then press a ball of milliput against it. When it dries you have your stamp.
I'm looking for advice on modelling hair. It's one of those out of control floppy world war two haircuts on an SAS soldier in the desert and I want to model it on an Airfix multipose head. Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance -Pat