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  1. B

    I finished Rifle Man

    he Marc looking good, for sure you made a big progress in your painting it's a shame, I'm living to far from your club and have to less time to visit and learn So, I had to learn on the pc, looking , reading and posting and hopefull to get some goodpoints at my figures to improve myself. But...
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    SEAL bust finished

    I can't wait to see the guy painted. i understood, you will do him in the tigercammo? Bert
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    Hi guys Today I had the mood to start a little painting (was saving my energy for my nightshift) so I took my 120 mm Choppercrewman and painted a bit What I've to do for finishing is give the figgie some shadow lines, patches, a new belt and his boots need a wash and shine, The pistol had to be...
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    Grunt finished

    Hi Jaime Please explain to me why you not happy with your grunt It´s looking good, maybe some more heavier shadow on the collar underside perhaps, but for the rest I can´t see anything whats it´s wrong. The face is very well done, really an expression of a grunt busy with his second tour of...
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    Just got back from Euro.......

    Hi guys On the Twenot site someone posted a link with pics about Euro Now we have a little discussion were that big bustes (arnhem and omaha beach ) came from? Who are the manufacturer or is this done by a self sculptor? On the pics...
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    U-Boat Commander Bust

    Wow Frank Looking great, really nice face, I'm jealous, but try to paint the edge neck collar. On the pic I see a white spot. Maybe it isn't in real, but I judge on what I can seen on a picture But overall, very nice Bert
  7. B

    Waffen SS Bust

    What I,ve seen on the homepage from Reyne en zn ( the PIT advice price is 159 Euro, but I thought that I read in de Tank, that Rob of the Lancier sell this figure for aprox 149, the others 59 euro instaed of 99euro Bert
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    Waffen SS Bust

    I'm waiting I'm not fully agree with you about your opinion of the Mirage figgies, the thin red line was only on the shoulders a bit, but for the rest free of airbubbles. I bought in best for 25 Euro from Rob de Jong (Lancier). I was hoping he had the PIR also for hat low price, but no. Well...
  9. B

    Waffen SS Bust

    Hi Erwin I like it, not only thew painting but the speed aswell, just a remark, maybe soften up the shadows in the edges by the mouth (mondhoekplooien) it seems a bit to hard to mee. I really like the clothes and most of all the uhhh, how does it named in englisch, oh man, I should ask my...
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    searching for Waffen SS bust

    He Erwin, didn't it come into a box?, I know you bought it from the Twenotsite, but just only the parts into a little plastc bag? maybe a pic can be found on Bert
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    Help on woad

    Is a waod something the same as a tribal?. Maybe then searching on some tattoo-site will help Bert
  12. B

    Painting a Prop

    For what i know about planes, is dat they are from wood whats built up from different layers. But I suppose that when you paint it in a dark yellow color, and use some burnt sienna oil paint it cold be a nice prop. So paint it yellow, paint it with sienna oil, let stay for about 20 minutes en...
  13. B

    120 mm Verlinden chopper crew man

    honestly, Pete, I don't know. As allways, I just mix some colors and forget the mixratio's I normally start with olive green and mix this with some ocre yellow and a bit blue, after that I got a base what I use for a final mix, sometimes a bit burnt sienna, sometimes cad yellow till I got the...
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    120 mm Verlinden chopper crew man

    Just started with this figure because the 1/9 Mirage figure wouldn't work with me, What ever I tried, it's seems like a disaster, so I put it for a while behind bars ;) I painted the choppercrewman with oil, both fflesh and jacket, trousers still in base color. The jacket needs some white...
  15. B

    Blood Warrior Bust Finished

    just like the others have said, It's a masterpiece. Can't believe it's done with acrylic when I see what I do in acrylic, I just get the colors right, but the subtil blending and the smooth finish, it's real magic bert
  16. B

    My latest figure

    wow, looks very real, I like your technque and I like your englisch, much beter then mines <GRIN> It's also not my native language I like the built up of shades and highlights and I'm glad you give an explanation how to do Hope like the others that you will post more of your work Should I post...
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    New Projet part III

    ha Jaime it looks every time better and better, like Erwin said repainted the package of sigarrets and it looks well About the cammo on the helmet, the first helmet I painted (with the same buste as you painted t the time i just painted the colors, but later i panted oakleaves on the basiccolor...
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    German WWII Camo colors in Vallejo paint

    maybe this site will help you Bert
  19. B

    Michael Wittman figure

    make a search on, maybe you will find him there, or the manufactor or brand Bert
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    Also from a newbie, happy birthday Bert