120 mm Verlinden chopper crew man


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Bert Takken

Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2004
Bodegraven, Netherlands
Just started with this figure because the 1/9 Mirage figure wouldn't work with me, What ever I tried, it's seems like a disaster, so I put it for a while behind bars ;)
I painted the choppercrewman with oil, both fflesh and jacket, trousers still in base color.
The jacket needs some white highlights for what I see on my pics.Furhter the shadowlines are missing but these are aplied when the figgie is ready
The flesh looks redisch but in real it's a sunbrowned guy
Please give me all your comment, pos and negs, I can live with them :lol:


Looking good, Bert! What are your formulas for the two different greens? I'm really curious.
Hey Bert!

Great job so far. I would suggest not using white to lighten your greens, maybe use a pale yellow like naples yellow, unless you want it to look colorless and faded. The Naples yellow will keep the green a little better while still lighting it up. Although I am not an oil painter, I may be completely wrong here, but that is what I do with acrylics so it should work with oils as well!
Anders, my friend, Naples Yellow is a very good way to go when highlighting OD green.

Not bad .... for a painter from the dark side ;)
What are your formulas for the two different greens
honestly, Pete, I don't know. As allways, I just mix some colors and forget the mixratio's
I normally start with olive green and mix this with some ocre yellow and a bit blue, after that I got a base what I use for a final mix, sometimes a bit burnt sienna, sometimes cad yellow till I got the color of my taste.

Thanks for the napels yellow tip, Anders, I normally try to get the color for the hoghlightng with base color and cad yellow for the first session and abse with white for the second. On my palet I mix all the time all the colors and find my color, thats probably the reason I can't work with acryl
Gee, hard to explain in englisch, should be taken some lessons again to speak normal englisch and not the englisch I normaly use by a campfire with a couple of friends and a lot of beer

Glad you see the latino-effect, I've tried to get a other face then the steriotype(sp) faces normally painted (uuhhh, not criticisme on the other painters)

Hey Bert,

Don't worry, your english is just fine!


Thanks! I thought it would work. If you just came to the light side you wouldnt have to be in the dark no more :lol: