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  1. brian

    Brush problem

    I've been using Miniwarpaint Kolinsky brushes for some time now ,but they've developed a single hair sticking out at the very tip of the brush.I can only see it under magnification,but it's a real pain when you want to paint very detailed work,as the single hair is the first thing that touches...
  2. brian

    georgiosgalazoulas on e bay

    Hi Guys Has anyone had a look on this guys site on e bay.The figures are brilliant although theyre in 28mm and the chain mail tends to be too over scale,although i've bought a couple of mounted conquistadors 28mm and 54mm.He can produce them in any scale.I've ordered the one i've attached as the...
  3. brian

    Roman legionary Dacian campaign - bust

    I like this one,as i love it's simplicity.A true painters bust.
  4. brian

    Finally finished

    Eventually finished these.The mounted figure is 28mm
  5. brian

    Never satisfied....

    I get that malaise with painting figures.Full of good intentions at the start,and drastically drops off soon after,and it's getting worst as i get older.
  6. brian

    WIP Critique Blackbeard

    Still got a bit of fine tuning after seeing the pictures Brian
  7. brian

    WIP Critique Bosworth Field 1485

    Much the same, but he was underpainted with Dark Star's Baroque that i was using at the time.This particular metallic paint was more difficult to get brush free coats which usually was about 3 coats at least.Once you establish a brush stroke free finish it still gave me a decent result when i...
  8. brian

    WIP Critique Bosworth Field 1485

    I've tried all different metallics in the past bust in my most recent one i used GameColor Gunmetal.I applied it with a brush usually at least 2 thinned coats,sometimes more,over a black undercoat which ive tried for the first time ,as i usually used the grey primer.I cover the whole armour with...
  9. brian

    WIP Critique Bosworth Field 1485

    Here's how i painted the armour.I don't use an airbrush so after priming him with grey primer i painted the whole figure with AK Interactive black which gives off a slight sheen,which is what you want.I then painted all the armour with Game Color Gunmetal.The next day i made a mix of Lamp Black...
  10. brian

    WIP Critique Bosworth Field 1485

    That sword has me beat.I've tried everything to straighten it,you name it i've done it.I've never had problems before,but this has a life of it's own I can get it straight but within minutes it returns to it's normal beny state.Looks like i might have to replace the blade
  11. brian

    WIP Critique Bosworth Field 1485

    Latest figure i'm working on Brian
  12. brian

    WIP Critique Bosworth Field

    My latest work,although i have got a bit to go yet.The groundwork will eventually a bog .You'll notice the sword is slightly bent and i've tried everything to get it straight e.g. hair drier, and hot water treatment,but by the next morning it's back to the bendy one.I'm thinking of replacing the...
  13. brian

    For Sale Some for sale...!

    Really like the farmer figure from the Retreat from Moscow,but as it comes with the mounted figure i'll have to pass. Brian
  14. brian

    Different styles of painting

    I've been in this hobby for over 40 years ,so i've seen all the different trends.Ever since fantasy stuff started becoming more and more popular,i'm bemused, when all these styles have crossed over to the historical stuff,which to my mind doesn't work.The advent of the airbrush,and all the...
  15. brian

    WIP Critique My latest paint job

    My latest,but needs a bit of fine tuning once i've seen the pictures,as usual Brian
  16. brian

    Teutonic Knight, Pegaso 90mm

    Outstanding Sergey.
  17. brian

    For Sale 2 figures,one bust

    2 sold.Gladiator bust still for sale
  18. brian

    For Sale 2 figures,one bust

    It's all yours Derek.Do you want me to send it to you?
  19. brian

    For Sale 2 figures,one bust

    Anybody that knows me ,knows i don't have a grey army, as such,but i've quite a few that i've started but wont be finishing.I'm selling them at a reduced price as i'll never finish them,although the ECW Drummer has been partly painted,as the Highlander is undercoated and ready to paint.The...