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  1. J

    SK Miniatures 2 More Fort Duquesne Re-Releases

    In that case I may have to get the revised eddition to add to the old one. Steve can you post a photo of the new one in bare resin so we can see the differences from Jim's rendition above or will you be waiting to use Augie's one as boxart? J
  2. J

    Sk Miniatures - Fort Duquesne Samurai Re-releases

    Its good to see more of these becoming available again. Having done them all first time round I guess I will have to wait until some time next year to get the new MAEDA Toshinaga :) As to not being colourful subjects, I'd agree that the later Sengoku armour may not offer the range of lacing...
  3. J

    SK Miniatures Latest Release – Tokugawa Ieyasu Bust

    Its certainly good to see these available again, having completed all of Augie's busts first time round I can say they are a joy to paint. It interesting that you should choose this one as the first to release as it was probably the least popular, I think Augie also wanted to do some...
  4. J

    SK Miniatures Latest Release – Kusunoki Masashige Bust

    Interesting to see how different sculptors handle the same subject, I made the one by Bonapatres quite a few years ago which I feel captures the fulness of the clothing better. And I've still got Augie's full figure of the same subject to paint oneday. J
  5. J

    New release Pegaso Models 2012

    Yep the burrial mounds were on the mongolian Steppes Bit more about the true Amazons, not from south america or called Zena.
  6. J

    New release Pegaso Models 2012

    Not really a fantasy piece, more historical, seem to remember watching a documentry about an Amazon woman worrior that was dug up in the frozen tundra and they did fight bare breasted. J
  7. J

    120mm horses

    Michael Roberts do a bare horse Jason
  8. J

    General Kato Kyomasa

    The discount only applies to those on Bonapartes mailing list who received the flyer offering the discounts. Jason
  9. J

    Need help researching The Samurai.

    As this is a model of a specific samurai you will have to make sure you concentrate your research on Kato Kiyomasa. Quite a bit of his armour still remains so colours etc though faded with time will need to be correct. Altough some of the proportions are a bit out on the PM samurai they are well...
  10. J

    Printers' inks

    Stormtroopers do it, their details are in the links section under manufacturers and I think Bonapartes also keep it. You could also order from Michael Roberts in the US, they do the thicker type which I prefer to Stormtroopers one. Jason
  11. J

    question on printers ink?

    The printers inks that Stormtroopers sell are more liquid and don't need to be mixed with a carrier. These sound like the ones Brian is refering to. The thicker printers ink needs a medium, I use liquin but the clear carrier from Humbrol Metalics can be used if you let the tin settle. Both...
  12. J

    sovereign figures catalogue

    Sorry Pete but thats all I had. Jason
  13. J

    sovereign figures catalogue

    I've sent you a scan of 3 pages that I had from Historex Agents. Jason
  14. J

    cellulose thinners?

    Its still called cellulose thinner, try a good woodworking supplier that keeps finishes. Jason
  15. J

    1/16 Scale Ruller

    1/16th should be easy to obtain, any good supplier of drawing office equipment will have imperial scale rules. 3/4" to 1ft is equal to 1/16th. If you are in the US then it will be easier than here in the UK where we use metric but imperial are still available to order. Jason
  16. J

    Stormtroopers in trouble? Jason
  17. J

    Looking for a few busts

    Frank, You may have a bit more luck asking on Augie's site look under "figures-news & reviews" I know they are hard to find, even Augie was searching for one without much luck :( Jason
  18. J

    Making attempt on first Samurai figure

    The type of mounting in my link was certainly in use by the Kamakura period (1185-1333) and most likely before that in the Heien period. You could omit the wrapping to the scabbard. It is better to look at actual swords than Mcbride's work, some of which can be a bit off. Have a look at Clive...
  19. J

    Making attempt on first Samurai figure

    Should look like this (these are reproductions but the pics are quite clear) Jason
  20. J

    Making attempt on first Samurai figure

    The type of sword you now have is a Tachi this would have had two fixing points on the scabard called Ashi, to these would be fixed "loops" called obitori to which the waist cord would attach, it is not tied round the scabbard as you have depicted. If I can finfd an online pic, I will post it...