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  1. J

    Where can I get Mussini's heads?

    Here is the link to Mussini, can only see plaques on the shop section, may be worth asking on their forum or one of the Italian forums such as Lilliput. Mussini are a manufacturer of heads etc a bit like an Italian version of Hornet. Jason
  2. J


    Hi Dave Although the painting of the pattern is very well executed it is unlikely that a low ranking ashigaru would have been dressed in such richly coloured clothing. I feel that a lot of people associate samurai subjects with bright colourful patterned clothing, this is not helped by the...
  3. J

    Want this bust

    Or you can order from Miniature Park in Japan, just don't get distracted by the "girlie" figures ;) Jason
  4. J

    Looking for 7 Years War subjects

    Try this one from UEM, I'm half way through it, super casting & a great pose, comes with a choice of head gear. I've got the Nemrod French marine to do too, they do two other figures that go with this one, have a look on Red Lancers site...
  5. J


    You could also try a lighter background say a mid blue. If you are using your camera on auto it reads the whole frame and sees a lot of dark areas. Jason
  6. J

    Bonapartes - New releases

    You are not alone, it has been said in the past that a lot of their figures have long necks, they went through a period a few years back where they were extreamly long, the Aztec and a couple of native Americans spring to mind. Jason
  7. J

    Polish lancers officer

    I have done the Le Cimier 200mm PL trumpeter. I got my colours from VP's "Historical figure painting guide" where there is an article on painting the mounted Kraasinski figure. Undercoat - humbrol 93 Desert Yellow Base - Permanent Rose artists oil Highlight - Titanium white artist oil Deep...
  8. J

    Looking for a Samurai Pattern

    Anders The daisho and kamishiho (hemp wings) were not usually that colourful, maybe just a simple repeat pattern or a few mon, in blues and browns mostly Here are some early photos thanks to Al Yojimbo on Japanese Samurai History Forum
  9. J

    After A Figure

    Is it the 10th Hussars Officer? TLB don't have it listed at the moment but Darla will be redoing the Roll Call figures. If it helps the Roll Call number was 8403 and Dream Catchers was DC 16174. Here's mine This guy has some Roll Call's for sale...
  10. J

    Gunze Sangyo Mr. Metal

    Michael Roberts do them. I have read on other forums that some of the colours are no longer available in the US, get them while you still can. Jason
  11. J


    Here's a pic of my latest samurai, a modified pegaso arquebusier. The kit is based on some overdressed re-enactors in "The Samurai in Colour Photographs" so I have removed some of the armour to better depict a lower ranking "teppo" The head has also been swapped and altered form one sculpted by...
  12. J

    display cases?

    It's a useful site, if you register you get a monthly update of all new entries, about 50 usually. I spent ages earlier this year trying to find a reasonably priced dome 12" x 6" for a 200mm figure but gave up in the end, there was more choice in the US but shipping and the associated risks...
  13. J

    display cases?

    Take a look at the link to display cases under suppliers on this site. Jason
  14. J

    Resin Figures quality.

    As I have a liking for larger figures and busts, 95% of what I paint is resin. Haven't done a Verlinden for some time as I'm not so keen on the sculpting/poses of the recent releases. Working on a couple of UEM 120mm figures at the moment which are superbly cast and you can't go far wrong with...
  15. J

    Samurai Archer

    Yes it's a shame Augie has not posted anymore progress shots of this figure, he often has several projects on the go at one time and will leave one untouched for several months, a fresh post may well be worthwhile to see if any more progress has been made. I have not had much correspondance with...
  16. J

    Samurai Archer

    You may be interested in this thread from Lilliput Forum where Augie has made some corrections to the basic kit. if you copy this link in to a translator such as Babblefish and translate from spanish to English it may be easier to follow for the non Spanish speaking members...
  17. J

    where to store all the beauties

    Here's mine, which I made myself, the doors have rubber seals to keep the dust out and there are small flourecent tubes at the top of each side behind difusers. I have another similar cabinet with a further 53 120mm figures in. Jason
  18. J

    Hofi Intermodel

    I have only made one of their kits and have another tucked away somewhere. They use several types of resin in the same kit, some soft and some very hard. On the one I have completed there was a lot of mould misalignment on the horse legs and the main & tail had hundreds of little resin balls...
  19. J

    Confused about bust scales

    Mike, as you like samurai and are now getting into busts you should try and track down some of the ones by the now defunked :( Fort Duquesne sculpted by Augie while there are still a few about. They come out a bit larger than your geisha but look a lot more impressive due to their large and...
  20. J

    Harton Bust and figures

    Robin is right, you can see them all at Historex's site Jason