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  1. Alex Long

    Completed Critique Samurai Archer - Completed!

    Wonderful version of this classic kit. Great colours and freehand work. All very aesthetically pleasing. Excellent.
  2. Alex Long

    Completed Here They Come Boys - Coldstream Guard / Hougomount - Waterloo - 1815

    Great work Brian. I thought mine was 95% finished with just the backpack insignia to do. It took me nearly as long as the rest of the figure! Alex.
  3. Alex Long

    Alexandros Models Preview

    Superb pieces, I shall buy Alexander and the Imperial Guard to add to the painted army! Alex
  4. Alex Long

    Completed Critique Coldstream Guard - Waterloo 1815

    Yes Brian it's freehand. I was thinking while I was painting him that it was going a bit quick, then I remembered the star and garter! I over-painted it twice before I got it right. Thank god for the optivisor! Alex
  5. Alex Long

    Completed Critique Coldstream Guard - Waterloo 1815

    I use a Nikon D3000 with 18-55 lens using manual settings of Shutter 1/4 and Aperture F8. Figure is placed in a 50cm soft light tent cube with overhead daylight striplight and two 125w 5500k lights either side placed about 3 feet away. Alex.
  6. Alex Long

    Completed Critique Coldstream Guard - Waterloo 1815

    Here's my latest finished work, another boxart for CGS Military Figures. This time it's the 1/9th scale Carl Reid sculpted Centre Company Private of the Coldstream Guards at Waterloo 1815. This bust does come with an alternate head/shako option without the cover but seeing as he's at a wet and...
  7. Alex Long

    Completed Critique Grenadier Vistula Infantry Legion 1812

    Here's a montage image of the recent box-art I have completed for CGS Military Figures. 120mm scale Vistula Infantry Legion. Painted entirely in Jo Sonja's. An extremely enjoyable piece to paint with a very harmonious colour scheme, hope you like him. Thanks for looking Alex
  8. Alex Long

    Problems with Vallejo's Matt varnish

    Vallejo matt varnish is not actually matt anyway. The most effective matt varnish that I've used is Testors Dullcote thinned with artists white spirit and applied in thin layers. This will give you the best possible finish other than using it through an airbrush. Alex
  9. Alex Long

    Humanoid from Ghost company of Nutsplanet!!

    Fantastic piece of work, would be a lot of fun to paint. Alex
  10. Alex Long

    Completed Critique Bugler 68th Light Infantry 1854

    Thank you all for the positive comments, very much appreciated :) Alex.
  11. Alex Long

    'MJ MINIATURES' New Release of Oct and SMC 2015

    Another excellent piece, very well sculpted by Dae-Hyeong with his distinctive style. Great subject and in my favourite scale for busts at the moment. Oh, and super box-art too. Alex.
  12. Alex Long

    Completed Critique Bugler 68th Light Infantry 1854

    Completed this great little 1/16th scale bust from Stormtroopers a number of weeks ago but until now have been unable to post anything due to the free update of Windows 10 frying my graphics cards. After much (way too boring to go into detail) repair work I've fixed my PC (fingers crossed) so...
  13. Alex Long

    Oh my Lordy did I enjoy my first ever Euromilitaire? You damn right I did!!

    Glad to see your enthusiasm for the Euro experience coming through Jason, the post Euro buzz has always been a great painting motivator for me. The competition Hall has always been an inspiration to push my work to a higher level, you learn a lot from what's on view and from talking to the...
  14. Alex Long

    FeR Miniatures September New Release: Wehrmacht Hauptmann, Barbarossa, 1941

    Another fantastic bust, again purchased at Euro. The sculpting in this scale is the best I've seen, beautiful crisp casting too. Alex
  15. Alex Long

    FeR Miniatures September New Release: Red Army Junior Lieutenant, Barbarossa, 1941

    Unbelievably good sculpt by Pedro and equally impressive painting by Jaume. I purchased this at Euro, amazing quality. Alex
  16. Alex Long

    Completed Critique Grenadier 9th Foot 1750

    My latest finished bust. Stormtroopers 1/16th scale Grenadier of the 9th Foot, 7 Years War, 1750. This one has been painted in a combination of oils (for the flesh and red) and Jo Sonja's acrylics (everything else). Thanks for looking, Alex.
  17. Alex Long

    WIP Critique Murmillo bust 1/12th Scale

    Thanks Ben. I don't really find one medium easier than the other, they're just different techniques. What I do find is that I prefer some colours in oils to those in acrylic and vice versa, red and blue being the main two. I tend to paint a lot of my figures now using multiple mediums to try and...
  18. Alex Long

    WIP Critique Murmillo bust 1/12th Scale

    Here are some pictures of a Murmillo Gladiator bust the I converted and painted a few months ago. The red version is entirely painted in oils and printers inks, the blue is entirely acrylics. Thanks for looking Alex.
  19. Alex Long

    WIP La garde Recule - Bust 6

    Great work Brian, looking forward to seeing it all come together as a finished piece. Alex.
  20. Alex Long

    Completed Critique Italian pilot WWI - Aviattic Boxart

    To complete the trio of 1:32 scale WWI pilots recently painted for Aviattic here is an Italian also available from Aviattic Thanks for looking Alex.