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  1. E

    Atlanta '15

    Any photos from this show. heard from attendees it was outstanding. Ed
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    Recaster from Hungary

    I'd say it's a striking similarity between what recasters do and what say Andrea does by calling Spider Man the Arachnid. I'm sure if Andrea had a licensing agreement with Marvel they'd be calling their kit Spiderman. And at the end of the day it's the principle of the matter. It's about...
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    Recaster from Hungary

    Does anyone know if Andrea bought the licenses for many of the figures they do like the Spiderman(Arachnid) or Indiana Jones, etc figures?
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    WIP Critique Algerian Spahi 1914

    Great start Dan. Can't wait to see the finished piece!! Ed
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    WIP Critique Uhlan

    Very exciting looking scene. Well done!!! Ed
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    Antietam 1862

    Beautifully done Olga!! Ed
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    Completed French Dragoon Lancer 1914

    Love it!! Great job Dan.!!!! Ed
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    WWII Marines Vignette: "Ghosts of Bloody Nose Ridge"

    Absolutely brilliant!! Well done!! Wil it be at any upcoming shows to view in the flesh?
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    Napoleon's Grumbler

    Thanks guy. Your support is greatly appreciated.
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    Napoleon's Grumbler

    Thanks Marc!!
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    1914 BEF - Tommys War

    Thanks Adrian. I agree about the knuckles. Over did it. Will need to tone them down. Appreciate the feedback.
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    German Uhlan 1914

    Thanks all for the support. Ed
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    German Uhlan 1914

    Many thanks Bill!
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    German Uhlan 1914

    From JMD Miniatures. Hope you guys like. Special thanks to Dan Morton for all his help with the uniforms. Thans Dan!!! Ed
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    1914 BEF - Tommys War

    British Soldier circa 1914" from Tommys War figures. Great figures from that company. Ed
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    Napoleon's Grumbler

    More or less completed bust of a French Napoleonic soldier. The bust is from Fort Duquense. Hope you guys like it. Ed
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    PIOU PIOU 1914 - 156 Régiment Infanterie - WWI

    Hi There, How much for this 1914 bust? How can I order one? Ed
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    Great figure, Very similar to the Metal Models piece yes?
  19. E

    Zuave 1914 year

    Looks great. Amazing what these 3D printers can do. I'm in the USA. How much for one 54mm figure?