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  1. combatartist

    Open Book Just received from TOMMY'S WAR...

    Wish I could see the site, but I'm on an iPad - no flash :-(
  2. combatartist

    1/24 (75mm) - late WW2 US Soldier - sculpted by Diego Fortes

    Very nice! 1/24th is an interesting size and allows for more detail.
  3. combatartist

    Good Kansas City hobby shop?

    Can anyone recommend a good hobby shop in the KC area? Not a Hobby Lobby type, but one that sells military miniatures. I'm here for a week with the family and Dad will need a diversion! Email me directly: [email protected] Tony S
  4. combatartist

    Acrylics Prince August Or Model Color?

    Every so often I see an article that mentions Prince August acrylics. I went to their website and it appears that the paints are from Vallejo/model color. QUESTIONS: Is this correct? Anyone use PA? Quality? US distribution? Thanks in advance; Tony S
  5. combatartist

    Acw Drummer Boy Painted By Dirk Ewert

    Fooled me! I thought this was a new 54mm!
  6. combatartist

    Completed Napoleonic Duo, 28mm

    Very nice! They look fun to paint, a diversion from 54mm + figs. Does anyone know if there are 28-32mm ACW figures from Foundry or ? In the USA? I've heard that there are some extremely detailed 1/72 figs being made in soft plastic (Krylon plastic primer), but I would like some very detailed...
  7. combatartist

    Jo Sonja And Art Shops In London

    I use them if I want a dead flat finish. They are tube paint, thus they're thick, but a little flow enhancer works well. They Paine's grey is a fantastic color, as is the "earth" colors. I also use "caseins" for large capes, horses, etc. Here is a link for them...
  8. combatartist

    Santa`s Disguise Doesn`t Work From Andrea

    I just got this one the other day! Nice work, any tips on assembly? I did the Santa sleeping fig and the elves drove me nuts! They had to be 10mm! Thanks for posting. Tony S
  9. combatartist

    1st Figure Completed (trench Diorama)

    Nice Dave! These figures are great and your painting technique is really top-shelf. How big + or - will the diorama be? The figs are 120mm, so I guess it will be larger than a 54mm base? Tony S
  10. combatartist

    New Ares Mytholgic - Draconia Miniatures

    Holy painting Batman! Terrific all around.
  11. combatartist

    Terrible Kids Stuff - Joe Petrosino

    A bit too weird for me...
  12. combatartist

    Christmas Figures

    Traditional Santa / Fr. Christmas for me. Santa's workshop vignette, Mrs. Claus, elves, etc. jimmy Flintstone did one some years back in resin (120mm) and it was detailed and a great paint. 1930-50's era - my wish list!
  13. combatartist

    Stone Base From Macone Models

    I like these! Keep this type of diorama product coming!
  14. combatartist

    Dwarf Of Chaos On War Boar 54mm From Scibor

    Very cool - many texture painting ops on this one!
  15. combatartist

    Miniature Mentor Releases Freehand With Franceso Farabi

    I've got the freehand demo - it's good, but it isn't what's shown above. He paints a much simpler image/design on a banner. I must say I really enjoy these and can vouch for the painting videos. Some better than others, but all sound and VARIED techniques used. I download and burn videos to a...
  16. combatartist

    Figure International Magazine December Issue Now Available!

    I concur! Nothing like turning the pages and waiting, like a kid, for the mag. to arrive.
  17. combatartist

    Figurines 100 - Special Edition

    Any US distributors? To honor those that serve through art.