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  1. combatartist

    Model 1889 Prussian Sword

    Thank you so much Martin. Have any advise on who makes the best Prussian figures? I don't do busts, but am open to other scales. Danke; Tony
  2. combatartist

    Model 1889 Prussian Sword

    Again Martin, thanks a million!
  3. combatartist

    Look Who Painted Figures

    This is really cool!
  4. combatartist


    Interesting topic. 20 years ago I worked for a design company, and we used magic markers to "render" our concepts. The boss decided that the ceiling fluorescent lamps needed to be replaced with 1600 kelvin/daylight adjusted bulbs. We had to replicate PMS (Panatone matching system) numbers very...
  5. combatartist

    Model 1889 Prussian Sword

    Finishing up the project, and I need to know if the scabbard was painted black or left natural steel? I see both examples. I'm modeling 1914, so I don't know if the black scabbard is a later version. Lastly, what color "knot" would be on the Prussian Infantry Officer's sword? Thank you very...
  6. combatartist

    75mm Acw Union Soldier-cgs Military Figures

    I like this! I like the larger scale & subject matter (ACW). I'll be ordering. Tony S
  7. combatartist

    Any Us Painting Clinics?

    Are there any US based painting clinics planned? I'm in the scheduling stage, and have to plan ahead. Thanks; Tony S
  8. combatartist

    Wanted : Wood Bases - Usa

    Thanks Mike for the address - it would be great to get together. Hope your Dad and Wife are well. Tony
  9. combatartist

    Wanted : Wood Bases - Usa

    I thought I bought several at MMSI, and the gentleman was with his wife (really nice people) - gave me a real "veteran's discount", but with 3 kids,a new puppy and a hyperactive wife, I'm lucky I remember my own name. I know about rush jobs from my designer days, salesmen always needed something...
  10. combatartist

    Wanted : Wood Bases - Usa

    H Hey Mike; Darned if I can remember his name. He had great bases too. Hope to see you at MMSI. Tony
  11. combatartist

    Wanted : Wood Bases - Usa

    Morning/Evening; I need 3 wood bases. 2" sq. x 2.5" H , dark stain, doesn't matter. Naturally it's a RUSH ORDER! Needed them yesterday. USA S&H I guess-priority. Thanks for any help Tony (Brian, thanks for selling the book)
  12. combatartist

    Need Help - Prussian 1914 Uniform - Metal Modeles 54mm

    This is EXACTLY what I needed Martin. Now to do this in 54mm with my 53 yr old eyes "Ich muss verrückt sein!" Vielen Dank noch einmal mein Freund. Tony
  13. combatartist

    Need Help - Prussian 1914 Uniform - Metal Modeles 54mm

    Hey Dan; Which one of the "SCHULTERKLAPPEN" in the photos are the Prussian Infantry (ca. 1915?) I want to add some color to the uniform by way of the epaulettes, but want to make sure they are correct for the unit in 1915. Thanks! Tony
  14. combatartist

    Hey, Drop It!

    What a terrific job! Great composition.
  15. combatartist

    Wanted! F.a.q.: Figure Painting:andrea

    Hi ya John; That's good to know. No sense in scanning the globe for an out of print book. Will I see you at the Chicago Show? Take care; Tony
  16. combatartist

    Wanted! F.a.q.: Figure Painting:andrea

    Update: Still looking for the FAQ Book if anyone has an extra for sale. Thanks to Brian! Overhead lighting 1. Tony
  17. combatartist

    Primer For Acrylics?

    All good information! My airbrush compressor hasn't been used in over 10 years, and I'm too damn lazy to fire it back up. Cleaning, thinning, and adjusting...unless I invest in a "new" airbrush set up?? Anyone have an idea how to approach the wife about making the investment? Hide the knives...
  18. combatartist

    Primer For Acrylics?

    I'll bet this is exactly what happened Jon. The surface did appear somewhat glossy, and I don't remember if I prepped it before I spray painted it. Thanks for the information. Thanks to all who took the time to post - really apreciated.
  19. combatartist

    Need Help - Prussian 1914 Uniform - Metal Modeles 54mm

    Terrific reference boys! I found these very useful, especially; I also was able to buy the Brassey's WW1 German Army book. I'm compiling images that I'll turn into a .PDF and post to share (not sell). Tony
  20. combatartist

    Wanted! F.a.q.: Figure Painting:andrea

    Im looking for a copy of FAQ. Figure Painting or Overhead lighting 1 (?). I have looked on Amazon, and it was a NO GO. So, if any of you chaps have a copy to sell, let me know. If they are dog-eared, no problem - willing to pay $50 US each, but no more...maybe a pipe dream, or if you know of a...