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  1. JCOX

    Chief Joseph - WIP

    Working on this as a gift for my dad. Thanks for looking. -jim cox
  2. JCOX

    New figure, been a long time

    Looks good Joe. Can't wait to see all your new work in Atlanta. -jim cox
  3. JCOX

    Man With No Name

    Thanks for the feedback guys. I appreciate it. Yes, there will be a leather cord holding the two halves of the jacket together as in the movie. He's about 90% done right now. Thanks again for looking. -jim cox
  4. JCOX

    Man With No Name

    Hey all, Comments/crits welcome. Thanks for looking. -jim cox
  5. JCOX

    Essence of Bat

    Great job Luca! Love the simple lines on this sculpt. -jim cox
  6. JCOX

    The Passion of the Christ

    Great work Joe. I'm sure your in-laws with like it. -jim cox
  7. JCOX


    Patton's just about done. Just some clean-up left and details on the helmet. -jim cox
  8. JCOX

    Completed Vol of Ireland

    Looks good Joe! -jim cox
  9. JCOX

    New Vol. Of Ireland

    Looks good Joe! -jim cox
  10. JCOX

    1st SSF

    Nice job John. The details look great. -jim cox
  11. JCOX

    Bob Marley WIP

    Great job Jiver! The likeness is really good. Please keep us updated. -jim cox
  12. JCOX


    Thanks again guys. Joe, I will be giving the helmet more mass in front. He's about 70% right now. Lot of sanding and finish work to be done. -jim cox
  13. JCOX


    Thanks for the feedback guys. Dan - I'm attaching some reference photos at the bottom along with some front and profile views of the sculpt. The scale is 1/6. Rob - The helmet has indeed been very difficult to replicate (actually a helmet liner). I may end up leaving it off, if I can't get it...
  14. JCOX


    It's been a while, but I've have been slowly plugging away.
  15. JCOX

    Oddball and Kelly busts painted !

    Great job Jacek! Good to see these finished up. -jim cox
  16. JCOX

    Finished sculpt of Blockade Runner

    Good job Joe! -jim cox
  17. JCOX

    A really cool site for lifelike sculpts

    Here's a link to a clubhouse post on him I found: Mueck -jim cox
  18. JCOX

    Sculptor Andy Bergholtz

    Gary, You're not too shabby yourself in the smaller scales! :thumb: Those guys are very good (beyond belief somethimes), and they typically work in much larger scales (1/3 - 1/4 some even do 1:1). They also use a wax compound to get some amazing details (check out the hands on NOSFERATU)...
  19. JCOX

    A really cool site for lifelike sculpts

    Here's some more along the same vane... James Cohan Gallery 1:1 Baby Head
  20. JCOX

    Sculptor Andy Bergholtz

    You bet! Definitely check out the two forums I mentioned for their latest stuff. Andy goes by the name hulkfan and Tony Cipirano posts under the name Popeye. Here's another Andy teaser (sbs non the less)... More Andy Edited: Still more Andy