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  1. M

    Jäger Figures

    Klaus, leider sind die nicht mehr lieferbar. Ich hab die zum ersten und letzten Mal in 2002 gesehen. Versuch mal auf Ebay. MfG Martin
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    Norwegen 1940

    Per Olav, If I can pick up some cheap flights on then I will be travelling in Summer or Autumn. Southern Norway is top of the list at the moment. MfG Martin
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    Norwegen 1940

    Per Olav, I was wondering where you had got to and then saw this masterpiece, which reminds me of strolling around the far end of Storgata in Tromsø. This has got to be the most inspiring piece of woodwork I have seen since the Minenhunde dio. MfG Martin
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    Hornet head experiment

    This head comes from Hornet's HH23 set, and is an experiment in applying blood to a bandage. So far only the blood has been highlighted and shadowed, and my idea is to show a fairly freshly dressed wound. Skintones will be fairly light, considering the soldier has lost blood and is in shock...
  5. M

    my blog

    Bookmarked too and started my own. Great idea Gary.
  6. M

    SS-Untersturmführer in Winter Parka.

    Looks sweet Calvin. Is it sculpted with the usual techniques shown in the Osprey book? One question, what's the small pocket on the MP38/40 ammo pouch for, a Zippo? Hurry up and get it painted! ;) MfG Martin
  7. M

    Royal Model SS Grenadier at rest

    Jim, I drilled out the neck and have a Hornet head ready for replacement. I want the figure to be lazily looking up at a panzer commander. The hands did indeed survive the casting and postal service, although I need to fill two snall holes with CA. Royal do make a good job of sculpting...
  8. M

    Royal Model SS Grenadier at rest

    I have been working on this 1/35 figure as a step by step for my Vallejo Forum over the past few days. The progress is pretty self explanatory, and all the colours used are Vallejo naturally. I included a close up to show the Steilhandgrenate handle finished with burnt umber over the acrylic...
  9. M

    Riverside Dio for Alpine Winter Panzer pair

    I did some work on one figure today. The jacket just has a base coat and most of the neck and lapel details have been laid down. I added the arms and filled the tiny gaps. Tomorrow I will start to complete the jacket's base coat and start on the highlights and shadows. MfG Martin
  10. M

    New Vallejo acrylics forum

    Thanks fellas. I also run another board and realise it can be slow going at first, but let's hope some more members come by and exchange some info. I don't want to run it as a competitor to established sites, rather as an online resource and tutorial base. MfG Martin
  11. M

    New Vallejo acrylics forum

    Here you will find a new forum I started as a fan site for users of Vallejo acrylics. I know that there are lots of articles strewn across the web, but a central resource may help to ease people's use of these colours. The forum is intended for both armour and miniature painters. Come along...
  12. M

    Riverside Dio for Alpine Winter Panzer pair

    Started the trousers on the left hand figure without doing any washes or glazes. Will do some lining and start on the boots later. Thanks for looking in and posting some cool comments. Sure is a lot of high quality work on the vbenches of late. MfG Martin
  13. M

    Riverside Dio for Alpine Winter Panzer pair

    Thanks to everyone who has shown an interest so far. Here's the bottom half with a base colour glaze over the trousers and the boots complete. If the fotos look a little dark I will try and retake them tomorrow in daylight. MfG Martin
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    Riverside Dio for Alpine Winter Panzer pair

    Here's some progress on the first figure. The trousers are nearly complete, bar blending in the camo colours. There are base colours on the boots. I will tackle the jacket once the lower half is finished and weathered. MfG Martin
  15. M

    Riverside Dio for Alpine Winter Panzer pair

    Here's some more fotos from today's progress. MfG Martin
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    Riverside Dio for Alpine Winter Panzer pair

    It is simply a branch and some twigs from a local tree. One of the benefits of living in the greenest city in Europe. I sawed them with a razor saw, and next time I do it, I will add some rough edges. MfG Martin
  17. M

    Riverside Dio for Alpine Winter Panzer pair

    I have added some timber, and will put some more wood shavings and sawdust around the base too. Later today I will have a try at using some Snow Coat, in moderation. MfG Martin
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    Support for our hobby.

    Since I'm single you could say my girlfriend is the one holding the paintbrush. So she gives me all the help I need. ;)
  19. M

    Riverside Dio for Alpine Winter Panzer pair

    Here's some quick shots from this mornings's progress. Still lots to do. MfG Martin
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    Riverside Dio for Alpine Winter Panzer pair

    Here's some snapshots of the latest work. I will do some better pics tomorrow during daylight. There have been some more flock and grass tufts added and you can see the overspill. This will be cleaned up and some snow and ice added over the weekend. The tree stump needs weathering and toning...