Royal Model SS Grenadier at rest


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Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2004
I have been working on this 1/35 figure as a step by step for my Vallejo Forum over the past few days. The progress is pretty self explanatory, and all the colours used are Vallejo naturally. I included a close up to show the Steilhandgrenate handle finished with burnt umber over the acrylic base coat. I will redo the highlighting on the boots as I am not happy wth them. Also when I add a filter to the trousers, they will be weathered and may get some new highlights. Most of the figure is still in the base coat and needs some weathering and chipping applying, where necessary. Thanks for looking in.







Vallejo Forum
Ahhhhhhh, Martin this is a figure I have had on my "to do" list for quite some time. It REALLY is a nice figure! I was probably going to swap out heads with a hornet one just particular reason. I see the fingers on your figure made it through the casting process....mine didn't quite make it all the way and there are a few anoying bubbles on the tips of the fingers as well. Not all together impossible to fix....just anoying. Looking forward to your progress on this figure. Looks good so far and your site as well ;) (y)

Jim Patrick
Jim, I drilled out the neck and have a Hornet head ready for replacement. I want the figure to be lazily looking up at a panzer commander. The hands did indeed survive the casting and postal service, although I need to fill two snall holes with CA. Royal do make a good job of sculpting interesting hands on their figures, even if their castin leaves a lot to be desired on rare occasions.

