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  1. M

    Riverside Dio for Alpine Winter Panzer pair

    I will show it as an early winter scene with some snow and frost, and maybe some opaque ics spots on the lake if I can work out a decent method.
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    Riverside Dio for Alpine Winter Panzer pair

    Certainly is, Gary. Ikea had a sale on so I just grabbed a few frames and planned a few vignettes and dios to make figure building a touch more interesting.
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    Riverside Dio for Alpine Winter Panzer pair

    Taken from I originally posted this over on Planetarmor, but the site is down for maintenance. The figures are underway with basecoats and some highlights on the trousers so far. As for the diorama, there is still a lot to be done, with the pathway needing completion...
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    Artist Preservation Group

    I tried licking the screen, but nothing happened.
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    Feedback needed for website idea

    I have been considering starting a website/forum for the sculpting, converting, painting and finishing of 1/35 Heer, Kriegsmarine, Luftwaffe and Waffen SS figures. Whilst Planetfigure is a great base for knowledge, I do feel that the topic of 'German' figues can hold little interest for several...
  6. M


    Great well detailed figure, but I can't help but think that the inspirations for the face were these two: Keep updating us with pogress shots. MfG Martin
  7. M

    "One-way ticket" finished!

    Superb work, almost photo realism there. The title could also be 'Einfach nach Paris'
  8. M

    vallejo's model air metalics

    I have no complaints, although they can dry on the needle a little too quickly. Like the Model Colour, they need a great deal of shaking before use. They dry matt and can ne thinned with distilled water or alcohol should you wish. I often use the blacks or greys as primer.
  9. M

    W & N Series 7 Brushes

    Nice one, may take a look in there when I'm back in the UK. Cross your fingers for the final on Saturday!
  10. M

    For Jaume Ortiz- brushes?

    I too use W&N no. 7s, but swear that an alien takes control of them when they're in my hands. I manage to make 40€ worth of my brushes produce effects like a 40c brush.
  11. M

    Dragon action figures

    I remember buying the Wittmann and Woll set that came out in the first few runs of these 1/6ers. Shame they looked nothing like the real people. I wonder if Lee could have worked his magic on them. We need his paint mixes, since his rendition of the flushed cold cheeks is awesome. MfG Martin
  12. M

    Hornet Waffen SS Offizier head

    I did some more face painting to day, and frankly I realised how much I need to improve. Luckily I have a box full of Hornet heads to practise on. The body of the figure is an old Wolf piece that went wrong, so I decided to keep it for testing out techniques. The first three are a bit over...
  13. M

    Hornet Waffen SS Offizier head

    Phil, thanks for the comments. The camera is an old Nikon Coolpix 5700. On manual, macro 1/15, f2.8, no flash. Cropped in PS 7 with 300dpi. I think that I got some heads at a show in Telford, which were ever so slightly seconds. 99% of the time, Hornet heads are flawless. MfG Martin
  14. M

    Hornet Waffen SS Offizier head

    Jim, I have the benefit of correct lighting there, since I didn't add the pupils yet. They are a relief added by the sculptor. He does look a little boss eyed, maybe I will add some glasses. So this guy obviously joined up after the strict recruitment guidelines were dropped. ;)
  15. M

    Hornet Waffen SS Offizier head

    I haven't done any face painting in ages, so decided to get the Hornets out yesterday. So far I have just added the base layers, and the close ups are not too kind to me. The eye whites need touching up, as do some of the areas around the Totenkopf, which will receive some shadowing anyway. I...
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    Digital Cameras

    Just had a look at the specs, and it doesn't look too bad for the price. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong, but the Super Macro is a digital zoom? If so, then look for a similarly priced camera with better Macro specs. A mini tripod will be essential for desktop shooting, unless you...
  17. M

    Darkness bust - Finally done

    Excellent job on the fleshtones there, the mother in law must be proud you captured such a good likeness.
  18. M

    First real atempt at scuplting

    John, I too am in at the deep end with sculpting. Impressive for a first piece, and inspirational for me. Somehow, I think my first effort won't turn out so good. Keep it up Martin
  19. M

    1/35 Panzermann 'Hulk' scratchbuild

    Hey Taesung, thanks for the comments, I have to agree on the strange proportions, but that is what I intended. When the vignette is finished, you will see why I chose a superhuman. Besides, I can't sculpt a head yet, so all I have is Hornet to help me out. But the experience has made me...
  20. M

    1/35 Panzermann 'Hulk' scratchbuild

    Cheers Dan. I had a look at the proportions and the anatomy after the head was chosen, and decided to alter a couple of things. Here are some shots of the latest work. I will smooth out the abdominals tomorrow and start on the arms and right calf muscles. As you can see, the back is...