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  1. E

    Mike Blank's World Expo Project

    Wow, this is going to be great. I love to see these projects based on paintings, I'd love to do one myself someday.
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    Warriors OIF USMC figure sets.

    Those look great, I'll have to pick some up.
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    Great work, can't wait to see it painted.
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    New Kit , New label

    Very nice figure. Nicely sculpted and beautifully painted. Good luck with your own line of figures, I hope to see you grow.
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    Fav Historical Period

    Good idea. My favorite would be the Second World War, most likely because I am also an armor modeller. But the Civil War is a close second, and lately I have found the Roman Empire to be pretty cool.
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    1st Carolina Volunteers 1863

    Great figure! The Civil War is a great subject, one of my favorites. Unfortunately I have never done a Civil War figure, but plan to soon. I've been meaning to take up sculpting, some day I plan to do a figure of my personal hero Joshua Chamberlain, based on Kunstler's Hero of Little Round Top.
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    3rd New Jersey Cavalry

    Looks great. Oils or acrylics?
  8. E

    Miniature Park

    Thanks Roy
  9. E


    I don't have any subscriptions, I just buy the occassional MilMod or something when I see something that looks good. Subscriptions would be nice, but with a limited budget, I find that I would rather use the money for figures, kits, and paints, instead of some magazines I'm not going to read...
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    Miniature Park

    Any of you guys order from Miniature Park? If so, what have your experiences been? Are they reliable? Thanks for any replies, I just like to know something about who I'm dealing with before I give them my money. ;)
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    German Panzerschreck team.

    Jaume, that is absolutely stunning. The camo is beautiful, I think this is the best I have seen this pattern painted.
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    Finished Viking

    Wow, great Viking. I like Vikings, and this is a very nice one. How did you do the snow and ice effect?
  13. E

    Warriors 200mm Figure

    Stunning work. The entire figure is great, but that face is the best. He almost looks alive.
  14. E

    eBay madness hits the figure hobby!

    I ordered some of Brian Stewart's wonderful 1/35 SS figures from the website a few months ago. Took a few weeks to get them in stock, but they arrived quickly and in great shape after that. Good service, I reccomend them.
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    Happy Birthday Tomasz & Von Bock

    Have a nice Birthday guys.
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    Does it ever seem a figure wasn't meant to be?

    That's tough man. I know I have had a few projects that pissed me off so much I had to give up on them, or at least take some time off and start something else. I have a Tamiya Tiger I've been working on for years, the curse of missing and broken pieces kept striking! :angry: Regarding...
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    eBay madness hits the figure hobby!

    That's crazy! :lol: I've often noticed that lots of the Jaguar stuff is still available, and can be found for less. Some people just get carried away and have to win I guess. The most I ever spent for a figure was $100, and I believe worth it. But that much for that?! Well, it is a nice...
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    German SS

    That is some of the best oakleaf I've ever seen. Great job!
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    Outstanding work. What figure is this?
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    SS-Tankcrew, Normandy 1944

    Absolutely fantastic job on the figure. The camo is excellent. Hornet head?