SS-Tankcrew, Normandy 1944


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Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2003
Hi guys,
here's my latest Hornet figure based conversion for an Osprey title.
The dot pattern was quite a pain to achieve IMO and I don't think I'll be painting another anytime sooner.
Hope you guys enjoy the results.
Beautiful work Calvin. I just love the flesh you have done. I can see where the camo would be tough to do but you have achieved remarkable success with your patience. I am so glad the native Americans I do, don't have camo to paint.....whew. Your SS Tankcrewman almost looks like a good photograph of a real person.
hey guy you've got it

this is a usual figure from the great master calvin
I love this figure my friend
amazing camo simply stunning
Calvin, Very cool figure and I really like thecamo. I have admired your work and enjoy seeing each new fig you do. Keep up the great work. Regards, Brock
Dear Calvin,

What more can I say that others have not. Anyway it's simply excellent.

Always enjoy your work.

regards :)
Hi guys,

thanks for the kind words again.
Evan, the head is also from Hornet. I don't see how any figure conversions could go wrong with them in your figure modelling inventory :)
Guy, I won't be too sure that painting camo on native Americans are out of the question after Marijn's Creative Crimean ;)


Dear Calvin, you really have succeeded extremely well with this diffcult to paint camo!
What paints and colors did you use? Especially I'm anxious to know the light tan/buff color! Sometimes I have used the Vallejo Salmon Pink hue, but your choice is very interesting.
Did you shade and highlight the colors or did you use a "filter" color?
Hi Calvin.
A great piece of work on the camo. And so much life in this tiny face.
All the different textures too, the wooden boxes, foliage and shells give it a very complete and natural look.

All the best.

Nicely done camo. What's your general approach for painting camo? In particular, how do you go about achieving the highlights & shades?
Hi guys,

thanks for the kind words again :)
Mika, I mixed a little Sunny Skin Tone and English Uniform to subdue the pink from the Salmon Rose to attain a worn appearance.
Pete, I start with a pre-toned base colour of the camouflage pattern following which controlled washes of sepia are glazed in to reinforce the shadows. There are certain situations like in the case of the sand/pink spots where I would use a much darker hue of sand/pink colour in lieu of the sepia wash as sepia will create a much too harsh and dirty effect on the uniform. Hence in general, my approach is to gradually work darker from the highlights. I hope that helps answer your question and feel free to clarify any doubts you might have.


Hi Calvin!

I like this figure, as well you know!

However, I'm curious as to the progress of your book? Any news on the publishing date? Osprey are producing some great AFV related titles but I'm still keen to see the first of the figure books published!

