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  1. DancingShaman

    King Stephen the first (St Stephen)

    Wow. What a piece. Very well done mu friend!
  2. DancingShaman

    WIP Skanderberg - Albane hero ,scale 1/9

    Great bust indeed. Fine details all around. Would like to see how thia turns out. Cheers Osman
  3. DancingShaman

    British Private, 30th Foot, Crimea 1854

    So far so good mate. If it is a focusing issue, maybe a steady hand in the background of the figure might help. Keep up the great work. Osman
  4. DancingShaman

    Pegaso 90mm Viking

    This could be the best viking in the market in my opinion. And you have done it great justice. Congrats.
  5. DancingShaman

    Battle of Chaeronea 338 BC

    Had to flip the phone but it was well worth the effort. Very well done. I am not familiar with this war, will now check the wiki. Cheers Osman
  6. DancingShaman

    British Private, 30th Foot, Crimea 1854

    Hi there mate. Good luck with this one. Would like to see this finished. Is the left pinned and glued already? I am seeing a small gap there. Can i go ahead and suggest Tamiya's liquid glue to fix such small gaps. All the best man. Cheers Osman
  7. DancingShaman

    WIP Critique Celtic warrior 90mm

    Very nice indeed. Did you happen to create the base yourself? Base looks super realistic. Congrats. Osman
  8. DancingShaman

    Lord Lovat

    Wow, some fine details!
  9. DancingShaman

    mountjoy.Azincourt 25 october 1415

    Nice contrast in colors. Looks like oils, isnt it?
  10. DancingShaman

    1/12 V bust Grenadier Guards Officer Crimean 1854 Finished!

    Looks superb. Congrats mate. Cheers Osman
  11. DancingShaman

    Roman Centurion 90mm

    I just got into this hobby. In fact it has been only 2 months. And I think that the cape is glossy.
  12. DancingShaman

    Tin figures during WW1

    Looks like the first ever figure start-up. Moustache Figure GMBH. Sorry couldnt help it. :D
  13. DancingShaman

    Completed Critique British para Arnhem - Verlinden - 120mm - Completed

    Adrian, according to ebay some 120mm Alpines are almost triple the price of Verlindens. Anyways, thank you for enlightening me. I wish there was a way to distinguish the good ones from the not so good ones. Cheers Osman
  14. DancingShaman

    Highland Clansman bust

    You should have a youtube channel or something to pass these skills to generations! :)
  15. DancingShaman

    Infantryman of rhe 15th century - Castle Miniatures 75mm

    What an original and sweet looking base!
  16. DancingShaman

    Completed Critique British para Arnhem - Verlinden - 120mm - Completed

    Now we know that with such top notch painting skills, one can make a Verlinden figure look like relatively superior Alpine figure. :) What is your view on Verlinden Adrian? They are a lot more reasonably priced compared to many a+ brands out there, but it looks like that the quality is still...
  17. DancingShaman

    Figure Painter Magazine issue 24. Out Now!

    Banner says bundle2 is 10. Am i missing sth here?
  18. DancingShaman

    Nuts Planet 75mm Ottomon Army Foot Soldier

    Martin, here is some brief and useful information on Yatagan.
  19. DancingShaman

    Nuts Planet 75mm Ottomon Army Foot Soldier

    What a great figure. Thank you Martin for this amazing review. As far as I know, pretty much everything is accurate and consistent with the Ottoman History. Cheers Osman