Hi Piotr,
I wouldn't be honest with you unless I also pointed out that the
red colour on the cape is glossy and it detracts from the overall quality of your painting, which is very good. It's not a lighting issue, it's the paint you used. Oils over acrylics is a technique that can often create some problems with shine, and they can be eliminated.
Normally I'd be happy to share these tips with you, but I find your comments directed at Marc Megroot to be quiet unnecessarily rude and disrespectful.
You suggest that only people who "impress you" and demonstrate they have the appropriate level of skills at figure painting are allowed to make critical observations about your figures. What an arrogant, stupid thing to say.
You were wrong to share those thoughts. You would have been wiser to keep them to yourself.
Marc is a passionate figure modeller and one of the most loyal members of Planet Figure and he has been willing to provide honest feedback on this forum to fellow figure modellers for over 11 years, and he's always been direct and straight to the point. That's why people on this forum like him so much.

He does not deserve to be belittled by you for doing so. Marc's given plenty of brutally honest feedback to me over the years, and I've always appreciated his comments.
Given that you joined this forum just two months ago and Marc has been on the forum since 2004 and
has posted more comments on this forum than any other person, I think you should pull your head in and show some f##king respect. Marc is entitled to have his say about your figures and everyone else's, and if you don't like it then I suggest you drink a cup of concrete and "harden up". What Marc said is correct. Your figure is glossy. That's a fact. Deal with it. Don't shoot the messenger because you don't like the message.
If you can't accept factual statements like that, don't post photos on a public forum.
Lashing out at another modeller and denigrating his own models because you don't think he's good enough to make an observation about your model is unbelievably arrogant and displays a total lack of respect. It also suggests you think you're a much better figure painter than you actually are. If you're such a good figure painter, why did you post photos of a Roman wearing a bright red, shiny cape on a public forum???
If you want other modellers on this forum to treat you with respect and provide you with honest feedback on your figures, then a good start would be to apologise to Marc on this thread and accept his comments in the spirit in which they are intended. If you don't, then I wont be engaging with any of your future threads or comments and I'm sure other Planeteers will do the same.
For the record, I don't give a flying f##k whether my figure painting skills are up to your required standard or impress you. If we have to pass some kind of test before you consider us worthy to make constructively critical comments on your figure painting, then you clearly don't belong on this forum.