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  1. M


    Dave - Superb mate. There isn't much more to be said about it. Hope the base went well with it!! How did he do at Euro? Ross
  2. M

    Modified David Parkins WW1 Machinegunner

    Nice looking figure. WW1 certainly seems to be coming back into vogue a bit. Gary - You'd be surprised the amount of colour during the war. French units marched to war in virtually the same uniforms as they did 50 years earlier in the Franco-Prussian War. Zouave units even marched in with their...
  3. M


    Seems like it was a great show. That is a superb piece by Marijn. For once I certainly agree with the Euro judges on this one. Such creativity. Ross
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    Sculptor:Painter Partnership?

    Dan - I have sent you a PM about those figure. I'm interested. Ross
  5. M


    To all those going this weekend have a great time. It sounds like the show will be great this year. Hope to hear lots of gossip next week ;) Ross
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    Euro Militaire

    So jealous of you guys. I have already started saving so I can come next year. Lets hope we see the PF members coming away with lots of medals!! Ross
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    Ashes Decider (for those who care)

    It was a great game. England deserved to win it. I have even managed to get the wife to like the game, though she doesn't really understand it. Ross
  8. M

    Cool vignette.

    Thats cool. I seem to recall the late Derek Holmes did something similar. I always find these sorts of scene funny. If we can't laugh at ourselves then who can we laugh at!! Ross
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    Grenadier Imperial Guard, 1859

    Luca - Superb. Looking forward to watching this one unfold. Roy - The figure is by Metal Modeles. Sculpted by Micheal Saez. Quite a superb figure. Ross
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    Nice looking figure. My only gripe, similar to Gary's and Jason's, is about the lower legs. The boots just don't seem tight enough or don't reach high enough. Other than that a great looking figure. Ross
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    101st Airbourne

    Dave - In 90mm the only one I can think of is the Soldiers one Jacek suggests. Also in 54mm Nemrod have quite a nice range of US Para's. Historex stock these. Ross
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    Latest Figure

    Dave - Unfortuanatly not. Finances don't allow it this year. Hopefully next year. Come to think of it its been 5 years since my last Euro!! So I will definetley be there next year. Anyway great looking figure. Can't wait to see it finished. Ross :)
  13. M

    Latest Figure

    Dave - Looking very good. What are you painting him in? Ross
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    Now thats sounds great. Can't wait for some pics. Ross
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    Now there is a must have. Looks great. Ross
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    70mm WWII RAF Pilot

    Roy - Great to see some paint going on to him. Looking great. Can't wait for more. Ross
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    Japanese Ronin 90mm sculpt

    Roy - I just noticed this one, what can I say but whoa!! Just superb. Reading through the SBS has been great. I only wish I could sculpt, heck even converting stuff would be a start! I look forward to seeing it finished. Hope all is well. Ross :)
  18. M

    Crown Prince Wilhelm, Prussia 1916

    Diego - Again lovely looking figure. I have been tempted to buy it. Maybe if I can convince SWMBO I will get it. Keep up the great work. Ross
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    70mm WWII RAF Pilot

    Roy - Looks great mate. I hope you are goinf to produce him. I just need to find a plane for him!!! Ross
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    Euro Militaire

    I would love to be going but unfortuanatly i think the dates coincide with the first session of my postgrad course which I am starting next months. Well hopefully maybe next year. Ross