I like the cockiness. Very nice sculpting, Roy. You captured more than an image, you got the personality! The uniform, boots and flying gear are first class! I hope you do more air crew.
There's a painting I've seen somewhere - don't remember where - of three pilots. They're in RAF uniforms, not flying clothes. #1 is sitting in an armchair, senior of the three, very relaxed with one leg over the other, a tumbler of whiskey in one hand and a cigar in the other. #2 is leaning against a mantelpiece, one foot up on a raised ridge at the bottom of the fireplace, big smile and a look of incredulousness. And you can probably guess what the #3 is doing. "Flying his hands" in the tradition of all pilots everywhere, the hand in front starting to fall away in a maple leaf stall, the hand in back pressing in for the kill. The air crew version of the fish story. Anyway, thought it'd make a nice little diorama.
All the best,