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  1. M

    Gen. Kornilov Shock Infantry Division

    Roy - Yeah i have been drowling over painting those medals. They do add a great deal of colour. It also helps that they are superbly sculpted. Ross
  2. M

    Khalkin Gol diorama....

    Carlos - It looks great. I don't remember seeing a model of this little known incident before the opening of WW2. I look forward to more pics. Ross
  3. M

    Gen. Kornilov Shock Infantry Division

    Dan - Its not commercially availiable. Phil - If you want to read more on the Russian Civil War E Mawdsley 'The Russian Civil War' It is probably the best account of the war in the english language. Ross
  4. M

    Gen. Kornilov Shock Infantry Division

    Phil - I agree his work is very good. One of the best artist Osprey have employed for a while. Sergienko - Thanks you for link. Some superb work there. I'm glad picture speak a 1000 words because my Russian is non-existant. Ross
  5. M

    Gen. Kornilov Shock Infantry Division

    Hey guys - Cheers for the comments. Roy - I didn't realsie you had originally sculpted it for Joe. Shame he never got to paint it. Phil - You should really think about digging it out and painting it. I've just put an undercoat on it, a black one, and even in this colour the deatil is superb...
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    Gen. Kornilov Shock Infantry Division

    This is my latest project. Roy kindly cast one off for me. If memory serves me right Roy sculpted it about 4 years ago. It's superb. Hopefully sme pics will follow. But first the illustration it was based upon. Ross
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    Ivan - Welcome to the group. Great figure. Ross
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    Phil - You gonna bring it to Hinckley? Ross
  9. M

    OIF tankers: in-progress

    Taesung - Lovely looking figure. Any idea od a release date? Ross
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    New Kit , New label

    Alan and Marion - Very nice piece. Good luck with your new venture! Ross
  11. M

    What's near you?

    Well Wolverhampton is at the northern end of the region know as the Black Country. This was a major areas involved in Britains raise to a great industrial country. Just north of me is RAF Cosford which is an outsite for the RAF Museum. Also just up from me is Cannock Chase which has a war...
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    Phil - Looking great. A very interesting choice of subject. Can't wait to see it finished. Ross
  13. M

    Trooper 9th Hodson Horse WW1

    Pascal - Very nice. Is it on the Western Front or in Palestine? Ross
  14. M

    Fav Historical Period

    Great Replies guys. Keep em coming!! Bob - Taking the english dates as reference the Dark Ages go from the fall of the Roman Empire in Britain to 1066, the Norman Invasion of England, which can be considered the start of the Medieval period. Ross
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    OIF figures from Warriors - Update

    Bill - very nice Marine. It might just tempt me when it is released. Keep up the great work. Ross
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    Warg-Beast of the Middleearth

    Radek - Very nice. What scale is it? Ross
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    Fav Historical Period

    I thought this would be interesting both for us on the forum to see where our interests lie and also for any of the manufacturers who are here in an attempt to gauge what to produce. I have noticed, especially in the armour modelling world, that the manufacturer tend to stick to one theme. This...
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    Union Soldier

    Jason - Superb. I'm sure it will even better with a coat of paint. Ross
  19. M

    D.A.K. Vignette

    Gino - Coming on nicely. I have to agree with you about the quality of Alpine figure. I have got one of there Russian Tankers on the workbench. Ross
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    A small step for mankind but a giant leap for me..

    Janne - Don't worry i'm a closet armour and aircraft modeller too ;) It look really good. I fancy doing sme of these Tamiya kits. Ross