OIF tankers: in-progress


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A Fixture
Feb 3, 2004
Hello Gents
Here are some pix of my OIF tankers halfway done.
Comments are welcome.





Taesung, very nice. Very nice indeed. I believe, with the first figure, the area around the waist and pockets should be a little baggy-er. Also the area around the same figures left knee could use a few more folds. It looks a tad on the "tight" side to me. Other than that, I'm SERIOUSLY looking forward to these figures. Very realistic looking nomex coveralls you have there. A couple of questions if you don't mind. Will these figures be disigned primarily to go into a hatch or standing out of the tank? Also, will they be wearing nomex gloves and hood or not? Last but not least, will the heads wear CVC's or kevlars?

Thank you,
Jim Patrick
Beautiful folds man! What type of tool(s) do you use for making the cross folds on the front of the first figure? Also, how do you go about making those nice draping folds on the third pic?

Keep it up, they are looking great and Im sure Jim suggestions are spot on as he lives in this type of clothing everyday!
Thanks Jim and Anders for the kind words. :)

thanks for the pointers. The tankers are
posed in a way that they can be placed in
or out of the cupola. Each will come with
2 heads (one w/ CVC, the other with Kevlar).
As for the nomex gloves, I don't have any
pix on them. Do you? I plan to give them regular leather
construction gloves that you can buy at Home Depots.
I've seen them in some pix...

well... I use home-made tools made out of brass rods.
I make the basic folds with putty and carve it later with
Xacto knife. No special trix :)

Thanks again, gents.
Taesung, I'll get my gloves out and take a few pics. I'll post them tomorrow as I have a deadline (Just for you Dave, Ole' Deadline Dave) to meet tonight. I'll see if I can also scronge up some pics showing you the different kinds.

Jim Patrick
Hi Taseung,

Love the folds!
I can imagine the pain-staking process of carving and re-modelling each crease, mega ouch!!!!! :(


Taseung, wonderful

thanks for posting these in progress pics - very educational! And as Calvin says, ouch at the thought of doing those folds, but you do sculpt some of the best looking folds in the business!

Can't remember if you've ever said what you sculpt with? Is it white milliput?

And who will paint these? Will we see Jaume paint something newer than 1945? or maybe calvin.....

:lol: wonderful work

Thanks gents for the encouraging words.
I use Ave's Apoxy putty. Haven't used other
stuff yet...
Hopefully, the figures will be painted by a few
of my friends.... Calvin, Jaume, Joaquin....

Wow, I like them so much that I tried myself on OIF-Figures. But, hmm, i'm still learning so my one isn't a beauty. But of course yours is! Which scale is it? 1:16?

Thanks again for the kind words, Gents.

It will be released in early this summer.

They are in 1/35 (50-52mm from head to heel)
