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  1. E

    4th and final figure- diorama

    Absolutey wonderful work Stephen. This is going to be a great scene when it's all together.
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    The Old Forum is Back

    I wondered what happened when I visited earlier today and the most recent posts were from a month ago. I liked the new site, and it's too bad it had to go. That being said, there's nothing wrong with the current form either. Just as long the community is here, it's still the best figures site...
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    A big thank you.

    Thanks guys, this really is a great place with a real sense of community.
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    Art Girona

    Wow, thanks for the preview Gray. That Confederate looks awesome, though maybe he could use a beard. I might have to get him when released.
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    Anyone else feed up with WW2?

    No, not really. I have quite a few WW2 Germans, most likely related to the fact that I am also an armor modeler. I happen to enjoy the subject and find it interesting. That being said I do not do only Germans, but all kinds of WW2 figures. I would agree that some companies seem to make only...
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    They look cool Gray. I might have to get that Kurt Meyer figure.
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    Favourite Bill Horan creation

    I happen to like "The Captured Flag" myself. "Best Man in the Army" and "Flank Attack" are good too.
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    Marijn's WWI vignette

    Incredible work! I'm assuming two Germans are fighting over a gas mask, if so, it really captures how horrible and terrible that war was. Looking forward to seeing it completed.
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    Happy Birthday PeteH

    Have a good one Pete!
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    Warriors Update

    Awesome Bill. I'm looking forward to when they'll be released and on my workbench.
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    I am looking for Hornet Headsets

    Sorry, forgot the link.
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    I am looking for Hornet Headsets

    Colorado Miniatures has all Hornet head sets, and photos showing every head in each set. Gray is a great person to deal with and provides great service.
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    OIF figures from Warriors - Update

    Another great figure Bill. These guys look really cool, can't wait until they're released. Any chance of more US troops following these? I enjoy seeing the in progress pics of the figures. I find it useful as I am considering an attempt at a conversion that will require some sculpting. I...
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    M-249 images and Marine with PPSH in Iraq

    Cool pics Chris! This looks like it could be a simple, yet cool, conversion. I've got Dragon's newer Marines and some PPSHs, add a Hornet head and Tamiya helmet, and there we go. I'll have to try it now.
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    Finished Vikings

    Nice job on the Vikings Brandy. Great blues and greens, and the beard on the second figure is also nicely done. The shield looks good too. What figures are these, and did you use oils or acrylics?
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    OIF figures from Warriors - Update

    He's looking good Bill! What kind of head gear will he be wearing? Goggles on the helmet or over the eyes? And speaking of weapons, I saw video on CNN the other night showing Army or Marines on a raid, one guy was armed with an AK rifle that he appeared to have mounted a flashlight on.
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    Warriors Update

    Looking good, Bill. I'll be sure to pick these up when they come out.
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    Hobby Fan's Vietnam line

    Jaguar has them available on their website: I've ordered from them in the past, it will take a few weeks to get the figures if they aren't in stock, but then they will get to you in no time.
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    Posting pictures to the work bench

    I use an account on Just upload pics from your computer, then copy and paste the Img. (should start with [IMG]) location into the message. Hope this helps.
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    Hello All

    Welcome Brent! Awesome Wyatt Earp.