Hello guys!
thanks a lot for all the comments! They are really appreciated.
Dani: excellent idea about the gasmask! I thought of it myself also :lol:
I will put the filter and gasmask next to each other but detached, showing some kind of malfunction. The filter is already ready, but the gasmask will be sculpted directly onto the groundwork. I will try to include a broken glas, but I fear it will be almost invisible.
Jeanne: you are right. Quai suggested me last weekend to have to other leg less stretched, which would in fact have the same purpose: make him look less like his crotch must be really hurting. It would make his pose more balanced indeed. Thanks!
I won't be able to include this in this vignette anymore, but this is how I can learn for the next projects. More comments like this please!
Evan: they are two french. I would have liked to make two Belgians, but unfortunately they wore khaki uniforms, and the horizon blue was too interesting (and perfect for contrast with weathering) to pass by...
Roy, you are right. I think these loose accessories really add a lot to the final atmosphere. Wish I could show them now already...
Mark: the dirt is simply natural wood 110 and flesh 61 mixed in while the paint was still wet. I will still add to it later on, giving more variation and making it more obvious in spots, and also make sure to get it on straps and equipment. The lower parts will of course be almost only mud. If some guys in history ever saw must, it must be these!
The beige putty is Magic Sculp, the light green one MS with a litle duro mixed in.
Hello Rob! Actually I also really enjoy to get projects finished more quickly. Well, more quickly than one year per project anyway! :lol:
OK, I "borowed" the digital camera from work and took some half-decent pictures. The contrast is lacking, but you can see more detail at least. Apart from the loose accessories and the extra weathering to come, the upper bodies are ready. The botom parts of the overcoats is undercoated.