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  1. salonikios

    Completed Done with Napoleon

    Very good work Ron !! (y) theo
  2. salonikios


    Lovely work Dimitri! theo
  3. salonikios

    Completed Maya warrior

    Great work Tony!! (y) theo
  4. salonikios

    WIP Critique Sumothay - Barbarian Warrior

    this is a great figure and it is also in my painting list. I have it from Lattorre company i dont know if something has changed. Good work in the face, maybe it needs some more highlighting in the face and little more red but it's my point of view , keep on the good work i'll keep watch it (y)
  5. salonikios

    Completed Zulu

    great work Jason looks really amazing!! :cool: Zulu's such a great theme to paint
  6. salonikios

    Completed The Arrogant

    Alex this is a great painting!! (y) theo
  7. salonikios


    Great painting my friend!! (y) theo
  8. salonikios

    Comte de Troisvilles, Alexandros Models 75mm

    Great work Eduardo in all aspects!! (y)
  9. salonikios

    Captain Guard Horse Artillery

    Great work in this beauty. My congrats
  10. salonikios

    Completed Youngs Totenkopf Officer

    Lovely work Neil, i especially like the work in the hat and face (y) this bust is also in my painting list
  11. salonikios

    WIP Critique The Immortal Emperor, 1453

    Theodore this is a great subject and scratch built. I see that this is WIP so continue the good work.(y) Πέρασε καλύτερα στο κράνος τα κίτρινα σχέδια γιατί κάποια είναι γκρί
  12. salonikios

    Completed Critique Roman Vexillifer (Pegaso Models 75mm)

    Great painting my friend, i love the work in the emblem and shield (y)
  13. salonikios

    Completed Critique Officer of the Death Hussars (Brunswick 1815)

    Thank you all my friends, i'm glad you liked that :)
  14. salonikios

    Completed Critique Officer of the Death Hussars (Brunswick 1815)

    Hi to all, this is my latest work an oldie but goldie from Pegaso "The Officer of the Death Hussars". Ι really like this figure (and also the pose as represents the "Duke of Brunswick" ) and its one of my very favourite minis (similar subject in Greek War of Independence is the "Sacred Band"...
  15. salonikios

    WIP Sleepy Hollow- 54mm original

    I like all this project Stephen and so far the head is beautifully painted . The film by Tim Burton is great, so keep going ;) theo
  16. salonikios

    Completed Alpine's Totenkopf Grenadier...

    Simply amazing Dan! the work in the camo is great! (y) theo
  17. salonikios

    Completed 82nd Airborne

    Great painting!! i like it a lot! (y)
  18. salonikios

    Completed Critique Executioner (Scale75)

    άν και το θέμα δε μου αρέσει καθόλου (αρκετά βάρβαρο) Αλέξανδρε έκανες -όπως πάντα- πολύ καλή δουλειά!! Great job my friend !!! :eek: i wonder when i can see your work live!! Χρήστο άν κάνεις προβολή εικόνας και πατήσεις εμφανίζεται μεγάλη
  19. salonikios

    SS infantryman (winter 1943,Kharkov)

    Excellent Konstantin, i like the weathering!!
  20. salonikios

    Completed normandy, 1944 (historic art miniature. 70mm)

    Great painting in this excellent figure (y) theo