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  1. M

    Princess Leia bust

    Definitely interested in seeing where you go with this. I'm a big fan of sci-fi, so I like seeing these things attempted. Keep in mind, I'm not sure we saw Leia ever smile when she was Jabba's prisoner... so removing the smile may make sense.
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    Aayla Secura

    Maybe I'm just immune to the high prices now. For obscure (and normally unavailable) SW kits, the cost to create, cast and distribute them is high for the small GK kit industry. The 2 foot long rebel blockade runner is being produced by a small group is going to cost upwards of $350, which is...
  3. M

    Aayla Secura

    Sorry for the bad picture. I was using a primar to locate seam lines. I tried to wipe it off with a thinner prior to taking the picture.
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    Aayla Secura

    <div float=left> <img class=news src='' width='2' height='150'><img class=news src='' alt='Click to Enlarge' height='150'><img class=news src='' width='2'...
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    New Figure Book in the Works

    Count me in! I'm very excited to see this!
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    A feel good story

    I saw that video on TV... its been a long time since I cried after a news story.
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    Star Wars ARC Trooper

    Here's a small update. I've almost finished with the helmet and rotary blaster. Still having trouble with alot of the fine details. The pose is bothering me a little too.
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    Iraq - modern Polish soldier

    Great stuff. I'd give him a nice crew cut haircut. Most of our boys wear it a little shorter, but it may be different in Poland.
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    WW1 diorama and figs ready for paint....

    Fantastic! I just came across this thread. Did you scratchbuild these figures or can they be purchased commercially? Did you scratchbuild the machine gun on the one German pilot? It looks fantastic.
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    Hochmaister finished

    Wonderful job. Excellent subject and excellent paint job.
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    Hospitaller is painted

    That is very very cool!
  12. M


    Great stuff! Regan gives me chills. and that first girl looks like the one I let get away!
  13. M

    Mad Max bust

    Two men enter... one bust leaves! Great stuff!
  14. M

    Moon over London NG

    wonderful How-To. I love the hair description.
  15. M

    FIMO and Sculpey

    I'm assuming there is no problem mixing FIMO with Sculpey, but I just thought I would ask. They appear to harden at similar temperatures. Is there anything about mixing them that could affect the properties of the medium?
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    Ever Vigilant !

    Great stuff! I'm a newbie, so I'll have to ask a dumb question... how did you get that effect on the hat? Do you use some sort of stipling technique??
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    New figure

    Great job! I was wondering if you could explain how you did the flag.
  18. M

    Continental marine

    How do you do buttons so well? Any tricks of the trade?
  19. M

    1/35 US Paratroopers WWII

    such amazing detail! Brilliant. How do you do shoelaces in that scale? Amazing!
  20. M

    Continental marine

    gary... wonderful as always. How do you make such perfectly round buttons?