Ever Vigilant !


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A Fixture
Oct 10, 2003
Hi guys :) !
Here's my latest figure,a scratchbuilt 54mm Russian infantryman from the Russo-Japanese war of 1904-05. My main source of reference was the Osprey book on the aforementioned war. The head is modified from one of Minie Ball's character heads,the hands are from Hornet,the feet(hidden within the Chinese "ulys") were modified from Prieser plastic feet spares, and the water-bottle,a modified spare from ICM. The trench face is from Fontegris Miniatures and the cat and rat,from Plus Models. The rifle is an excellent piece of modelling from Tank Miniatures. Next up will be the groundwork proper. Thanks for looking and cheers !
Kenneth :lol: .










Anotehr beautiful work from u my friend. Your ideas keep coming and bettering . And as always your pose and setting si intereting . Waiting to see this come to color! I would definately like sometime to paint one of your originals

Keep up the good work
Another great piece of yours Kenneth. I'm a big fan of your sculpts and everytime I see on of them, I love it from first sight. I can't wait to see the groundwork and of course the finished result.

Kenneth my friend, like the others, I to am looking forward to seeing you complete this. I like watching your steps and seeing your progress. Especially when you tie it all in with the groundwork ;) . One thing I noticed though, it looks like the right foot is positioned at the wrong angle. Like it's too far to the side. Try to position your own foot like that and I think you'll see what I mean. Regardless, I like what you've done so far.

Jim Patrick
Marvelous idea for a figure and an absolutely terrific pose and setting! The immense busby and the uniform coat strapped to the body are great! The RJ war has so many possibilities for figures and dioramas, doesn't it?!

Maybe it's the camera angles, but he looks quite long-waisted and short-legged. This is not to say that there are not men who fit those dimensions - there certainly were then and are now. I'm unusually long-waisted myself. I don't think the unusual proportions (if that's the case) seriously detract from the figure, Kenneth, and, personally, I wouldn't change him. I truly can't tell if it's the camera angles or what...

I do agree with Jim, though, that the foot is positioned wrong. If it were me, I would change that.

Offered in the spirit of collegiate critique, Kenneth, as always - I'd want you to do the same for me!

All the best,
Hi Costas ! Thank you very much for the compliments;I really appreciate it :lol: !! Paint one of my originals ? Sure,why not ;) ! I'd be honoured,my friend. Cheers !
Kenneth :) .
Xenofon,my friend,thank you very much :lol: !! I'm humbled that you're a fan of my work; I just hope that my final results will not disappoint you ;) . Cheers !
Hey,Jim,buddy :lol: !! Thanks for the support,my friend !! As for the "odd" foot position,I actually tried out the pose before I sculpted the figure. I meant for him to be leaning against the trench wall, hence the "funny" position. Hopefully with the groundwork added, you'll see what I mean. Thanks for the input,though,my friend :) . Cheers !
Hey Dan! Thanks for the support,my friend; I really appreciate it :lol: !! Like I mentioned to Jim earlier,the "odd" pose is to accomodate the figure later when he is leaning against the trench wall once the final groundwork is added. As for the "long leg,short waist" look,it's the camera angles as the figure matches the standard anatomy charts for 54mm perfectly. My regular camera when on the "fritz" just today :( , so I've had to make-do with a "lower-end" freebie that was given to me when I signed-up with my Internet service-provider. Thanks for the input,though,Dan;much appreciated ! Cheers !
Kenneth :) .
Jason,my friend,THANK YOU ever so much for the support; I really appreciate it :lol: !! Yes, the colour-plates in the Osprey book is certainly inspiring,especially the one with the "scruffy-looking" Russian trooper ;) ! Cheers !
Great stuff! I'm a newbie, so I'll have to ask a dumb question... how did you get that effect on the hat? Do you use some sort of stipling technique??
Hey Brian,thanks for the positive comments; I really appreciate it :lol: !!! No question is ever "dumb",so ask as many as you like :) . I achieved the "fur" effect on the "papaha" hat by coating the basic hat shape around the resin head with fresh epoxy putty and "teasing" out the "fur" with the tip of a modelling knife and the sharp-end of a dress-pin. Keep pulling the putty out in a random,S-shaped pattern until the putty begins to hold its shape and sets (usually about 5-10 minutes after application). Try to get the general shape first then refine it with small bits of fresh putty after the whole has set. Work slowly and don't rush,or you'll squeeze everything together into a messy "blob" :( !! HTH,Brian,and do give it a try for your next "winter" figure. Cheers !