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  1. Steve Ski

    WIP "Easy Pickins"

    Well, Gents and ladies, I’m sad to say I’m pulling the plug after almost 14yr here at Planetfigure. I’ve truly enjoyed participating in our many conversations and I’ve learned a lot from so many of you. I’ve developed some great friendships that can’t be replaced by any means, this “was” my home...
  2. Steve Ski

    WIP 1/35 Scale D-Day Diorama

    Yep, this is gonna be a biggin, woof! Ruck On, Neil!
  3. Steve Ski

    WIP Apocalypse Vignette

    Awesome, looking very good.
  4. Steve Ski

    Show us your bench.

    Ya, me too, so I told her she wasn't supposed to be there when I said it, therefore it never happened, HA! Dang, Paul, that "is" a problem,........................
  5. Steve Ski

    Alpine Year End Sale - it's on!

    Ya, me too,......................:grumpy:
  6. Steve Ski

    WIP "Easy Pickins"

    Thank you, Neil!!
  7. Steve Ski

    WIP "Easy Pickins"

    Thank you, Brother, I appreciate that!
  8. Steve Ski

    WIP "Easy Pickins"

    Nose to the Grinding Wheel There’s really no way of getting around it, this will be a slow-going process, placing ivy leaves on the vine. I don’t think it’ll be too bad, it’s not like trying to put individual leaves on a tree, right? These leaves had been cut out and accumulated over time, so...
  9. Steve Ski

    WIP Apocalypse Vignette

    Wow, great foam work, very well done. This is shaping up to be an excellent vignette! Cheers, Ski.
  10. Steve Ski

    WIP Talant's Samurai horse

    That Big Dog is looking really good. Excellent work, Pierre.
  11. Steve Ski

    WIP Treasure Island.

    Outstanding, Malc, already toppin out. Great work, Buddy!
  12. Steve Ski

    Charge of the 4th hussars at Friedland

    Awesome set, great work!
  13. Steve Ski


    One of a kind alright, excellent!
  14. Steve Ski

    WIP Andrea 1/10 bust…Officer Polish Lancers of the Imperial Guard

    He's looking really good, Colin. Great fix on the eyes, Ruck On!
  15. Steve Ski

    Bohemian Burgrave, 1403 - 1416 AD (Revisited)

    Well, we are our own worst/best critic, as they say. You'd know better than anybody what was amiss, but all I see is one heck of a fine bit of brush work. I love the red tones and the brilliant metal works. Pretty dang sweet work, all over this!
  16. Steve Ski

    WIP Critique Tudor Brawl

    this should be pretty intense when you get it all finalized, excellent.
  17. Steve Ski

    WIP 60th Regt

    Right on, great looking bust with plenty of bling, Kevin. Ruck On, great start!
  18. Steve Ski

    Completed Westphalian Chevaeu Ledger Lancier der Garde 1812

    Just catching up, Simon, figs look great, Amigo!
  19. Steve Ski

    WIP Observer corp 1940

    I agree, interesting subject, excellent!
  20. Steve Ski

    Between Projects: what do you do?

    Yall got some great options. Summer months are spent outside working to get ready for winter, as we spend all winter wishing for summer, HA! Na, not that bad really. I love making saw dust and building stuff in the shop, and of course my lovely bride always has something for me to do on the...