«Боевые слоны Карфагена» (War Elephants of Carthage)


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Sep 11, 2024
Друзья, в конце июля состоялась презентация нашего набора Элефантерия «Боевые слоны Карфагена».
Скульптор: Степан Николаев
Материал изготовления набора: Резинопластик
Масштаб: 1:30

Google translate by Nap

Friends, at the end of July, the presentation of our Elephantia set "War Elephants of Carthage" took place. Sculptor: Stepan Nikolaev Set material: Rubber plastic Scale: 1:30

These do look excellent. Very intriguing that they're in rubber. It seems a strange choice of material. I've never heard of it before.

Agree there , looking at the weapons .....are they solid enough to retain the shape ?

Looking at the detail on figures , the material certainly seems to cast well

I do like this set

Can’t wait to see how the paint goes on and can Acrylics/Oils etc be used ...is a basecoat recommended ?

Is there a need to put a coat of PVA on before any paint used

The composition is beautifully executed, but there is a common mistake in the depiction of Carthaginian elephants: in fact, the African forest elephant was smaller than the one depicted and could not carry a tower with warriors. They rode him like a horse.In particular, this is indicated in his book by the outstanding British researcher of ancient military affairs, Peter Connolly.
Toy soldiers. Don't know if paint would even stick. There are many toy soldier companies who produce incredibly detailed and accurate figures. Some time ago now, the paint company Krylon marketed a primer designed for the sort of material these figures are made from, hopefully making paint stick for sure. Haven't tried it, but the primer is available from several manufacturers now. Sure would be nice to see some of these beautiful pieces painted up.

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