02 New busts 200mm by PEGASO MODELS


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Apr 15, 2012
Hendaye, Spain Border, " Pays Basque", France
German Tiger Commander, Normandy 1944
CODE : NV200-004
CATEGORY:Busts 1:9 (200mm)
SCULPTOR:Nino Lorenzoni
PAINTER:Kirill Kanaev
WEIGHT: 295 gr
PRICE:€ 45,08 (wihout S&H &VAT)

U.S. Sherman Commander, Normandy 1944
CODE : NV200-003
CATEGORY:Busts 1:9 (200mm)
SCULPTOR:Nino Lorenzoni
PAINTER:Kirill Kanaev
WEIGHT: 245 gr
SIZE: 200mm
PRICE:€ 45,08

More info and where buying :
Pegaso went all in on the pirate look for the German, eh? Gotta love the eye patch and the sneer. Really you do. One thing (rivet counting comment follows, read or ignore as desired) The MG34 use on German tanks should not have the same barrel as the infantry version. The tanks had the armored barrel "panzerlauf" version. </river counting>


I do like the Sherman guy a bit.
Terrific sculpting and painting....not sure if the German has a sneer, cleft, or Elvis lip. I tried that look in the mirror and couldn't pull it off. So needless to say that one is not for me.
Hi Jason!

You're absolutely right with the MG 34 - it should have a so called "Panzerlauf" (Tank Barrel)...:

The boxarts by Kyrill are - as ever - awesome ! Good that "Pegaso" now works also together with Russian top artists!

But the sujet:

I meanwhile think, there are more figures of SS-Tankers in the world as there were in reality...

Is this Planet Figure or Planet Whinger??? as the other thread of Youngs. If you don't like it move on. Sorry I just have to say it.... if you don't like something find something you do.... sometimes this site starts sounding like an old granny site. I am not picking on an individual but I find it painful that some people say "not another one". If you can't find something you like out of all the stuff coming out these days, daily/monthly and have nothing in the GA to paint, I think you should start sculpting yourself.

These sculptors do amazing work and I would hate to see them close business. I just don't get the comments " not another one" " done a hundred times". I get people will say, "I am allowed to have my opinion" and you are, I just don't get why your not putting that time into something you do like.

I like the saying " don't take me to negative town" and somethimes when I read these comments I wonder where some people live.....

A lot of times the new figure or bust is done better than the last ten before, or maybe in a different uniform or better head sculpt than the 100 before or maybe the hands are sculpted better. Lots of people here including myself rave about the old S&T figures from John Rosengrant, weren't they Germans and Tankers. I wouldn't say they had never been done before it's just that the sculpting, poses and casts were great.

Whenever I see "not another one" comment, I think not another one also :)

I am ready and scared.........
Hey that's actually not a bad idea, I guess that's why a lot of people have gone to Facebook :)
It's just some of the people here make constructive, sound comments that I like and also help me. I also like to keep my reading up ( out of work hours ) which I do mostly by reading forums on hobbies I like these days.
I said to my wife once that the news these days make me crazy. She said don't listen to it, watch it or read it. 99 percent of its doesn't effect me, or is something I can do anything about. It was a very good idea.
Is this Planet Figure or Planet Whinger??? as the other thread of Youngs. If you don't like it move on. Sorry I just have to say it.... if you don't like something find something you do.... sometimes this site starts sounding like an old granny site. I am not picking on an individual but I find it painful that some people say "not another one".

What's worse though? "Planet Whinge" or "Planet Platitude"? Because endless "attaboy" comments about poor/unimaginative releases is arguably just as bad. As for commenting on stuff that I like, hey - I do it all the time! But equally if I think something's a bit lame, I'll say so as well. Nothing wrong with that IMHO.

If you can't find something you like out of all the stuff coming out these days, daily/monthly and have nothing in the GA to paint, I think you should start sculpting yourself.

You're right, there's plenty of choice these days - maybe even too much choice sometimes. But if I had the time (and more to the point, the talent) I would love to create my own pieces, as there are plenty of subjects I'd like to see covered (or covered more). But unfortunately I am to sculpting what Jack The Ripper was to gentlemanly conduct. Not many of us have the skill to make that a viable option.

These sculptors do amazing work and I would hate to see them close business.

Couldn't agree more.

I just don't get the comments " not another one" " done a hundred times". I get people will say, "I am allowed to have my opinion" and you are, I just don't get why your not putting that time into something you do like. I like the saying " don't take me to negative town" and somethimes when I read these comments I wonder where some people live.....

See above.

A lot of times the new figure or bust is done better than the last ten before, or maybe in a different uniform or better head sculpt than the 100 before or maybe the hands are sculpted better.

That is a fair point. Sculptors are upping their game and the quality of releases that we're seeing these days is just staggering.

Lots of people here including myself rave about the old S&T figures from John Rosengrant, weren't they Germans and Tankers. I wouldn't say they had never been done before it's just that the sculpting, poses and casts were great.

They hadn't never been done before, but at the time they were released (early / mid '00s) they hadn't yet been done anything like as often. But yes that range still stands up today as among the very best, and I have a few of them myself.

I think you hit the nail on the head with the comment about poses, which were great. One or two of them were "straight up & down" but some showed some real imagination, which I think is something that's lacking in a lot of WW2 German releases that we see nowadays: The sculpting is superb, it's just that too many of them seem to be just standing around, or staring into space, or pointing off at something in the far distance. Same with the busts, most with either the "Hollywood" look or the stereotypical "arch Nazi". All a bit samey, and getting a bit hackneyed now.

I did buy this guy recently. He's a WW2 German ... but he's something a bit different. And "a bit different" is what us "whingers" are after ;).

PEGASO - German Fallschirmjäger Eastern Front.jpg

- Steve
"Because endless "attaboy" comments about poor/unimaginative releases is arguably just as bad"

That's my point attaboy comments are maybe coming from people that like the sculpt/figure/ bust. I think what they are saying is they like it, nothing wrong with that. If Alpine does Kharkov Panzer Grenadiers in poses I like but may have been done before I am going to say attaboy :) bring it on!!!! Love your work!!!

I like that bust as well its great ......oops I just did another "Attaboy" comment LOL
That's my point attaboy comments are maybe coming from people that like the sculpt/figure/ bust. I think what they are saying is they like it, nothing wrong with that.

Of course not. Nothing wrong with it at all.

All I'm saying is that guys are going to have different views about various new releases, and a mixture of praise, critique (and a bit of grumbling ;) ) are what makes a forum tick. As long as everyone stays polite and courteous towards everyone else, I see no problem. But when threads just become a circle-jerk of endless attaboying no matter what the merits (or otherwise) of the piece in question and with dissenting voices being told to shut up and stop moaning, I don't see any point in that.

- Steve
I said to my wife once that the news these days make me crazy. She said don't listen to it, watch it or read it. 99 percent of its doesn't effect me, or is something I can do anything about. It was a very good idea.

Indeed a very wise advice from your wife! Women in general are so much more Evolved than men... While most of us, men, are still on kindergarten, most of them, women, have already finished PhDs and MDs and whatnot...

If people turned off their TVs and stopped reading MSM, IMHO that would very likely be an important step for this world to profoundly change in a much better direction.

I do have a cable connection that comes in a pack which includes the Internet, TV and phone (here all Internet providers do these packs, which somehow are cheaper than if we opt for just an Internet connection, that's why I opted for this pack) . Anyway, I don't even have a TV anymore, so no more fake news nor PC BS, nor constant brainwashing propaganda. And I feel so much better choosing what I want to read or the news I decide to check online, when I want to, from sources I find credible and trustworthy...

