Hey, all -
This is the Black Dog brand 1/10 Sioux Lakota bust, item #B10018. A couple of notes:
This is the Black Dog brand 1/10 Sioux Lakota bust, item #B10018. A couple of notes:
- As supplied, the lower necklace is incomplete. The box art shows it complete, but a couple of sections are missing from the sculpt, or at least from the molding. Simple matter to add with a little styrene rod.
- The underside of the chin (not shown) is rough and really begs for some serious smoothing. However, you have to go looking for it; I discovered it accidentally when I turned the bust over while touching up some shadows (I've also found this condition on another bust).
- The ear ornaments that come with the kit are shown on the boxart as turquoise, or at least turquoise-colored material. After an observation from another modeler, I checked around the internet and came to the conclusion that, though the period is not specified, the Sioux were unlikely to have had/used turquoise until later in the 20th century. I decided to add the earrings using "old-timey" HO-scale brake wheels (Kadee #440 18") painted gunmetal.
- The roach on the rear was the best approximation I could come up with. Material-wise, it's a spare earring from the bust kit, with a short length of deep red thread.
- Although shown on the box art, I elected not to apply any face paint, in part because I didn't trust the art.