1/32 scale WWI Royal Garrison Artillery Gunner


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A Fixture
Mar 5, 2013
Some years ago my brother started investigating our Grandfather’s war record. Thomas Merryweather served in the Royal Garrison Artillery during World War One and he was present at the Somme, amongst other events. His unit, 100 Siege Battery, was equipped with the 6 inch 26 cwt Howitzer. He had already served 14 years from a boy in the Royal Navy as a gunner when he joined up at the age of 32. He died before we were born so we never knew him. As some may have guessed his picture is my avatar.

This is 299 Siege Battery RGA with a 6” 26 cwt Howitzer in 1918- what a motley bunch they are!

My brother Dave is a professional prop-maker for the movies (he made the C3PO outfit for The Force Awakens, among many other impressive things) and he decided to create a CAD model of the howitzer with a view to 3D printing one at 1/32 scale for each of us three brothers. I pointed out that there was already one in 1/35 scale (by Resicast, I think) but he wanted to do it anyway, so 1/32 scale it is. He asked me to sculpt some crew figures, naturally including our Grandad.
Well this idea has been bouncing around for a couple of years and Dave took his time building the CAD model, so I took my time getting started on the figures, although I did the research right away, because I do like that kind of thing.
The 6” Howitzer officially had a crew of 10, but in practice this was often reduced to 6 or7.


We don’t know for sure but we believe our grandfather was no 3, on the sights. I have a composition in mind, loosely based on this picture

No 3 is on the left.

I decided to sculpt the figures from scratch with the original intention that we might market them. But since exploring that with my AFS bust I’ve gone right off that idea. There is just a faint hope that some manufacturer might be interested in them (I have discussed it with one, but then COVID happened, so who knows?), so I will not use any commercially available parts in order to avoid copyright issues. As we want 3 sets I will be optimising them for moulding anyway.
Since Dave hadn’t finished the gun itself I got started on a stand-alone figure as a means of ‘getting my eye in’. I always find it takes a couple of goes to get properly into the groove and I am using a new material – BeesPutty. I am in awe of people who can model well without any kind of post-finishing- I always need to tweak with a scalpel or a file or sandpaper, which is why I usually use Milliput. So I am prepared for a bit of a learning curve, which is why I haven’t started on any of the more central figures.
So my first figure in the set is no 8, carrying a shell, based on this picture.

No 8.jpg

They are all going to be scruffy oiks….
And here he is, sculpted in BeesPutty, with a 3D printed helmet and 6" shell

Number 8 (1).JPG
Number 8 (2).JPG
Number 8 (3).JPG
Number 8 (4).JPG
Number 8 (5).JPG
Number 8 (6).JPG
Number 8 (7).JPG
Number 8 (8).JPG

I hope you like him
thanks for looking
My wife's grandfather was a gunner/driver in the RFA in WW1, serving 18 pdrs, battery C, 110 Artillery Brigade, which was part of the 25th Division (so part of Kitchener's new army). Was present at the Somme, was loaned to the Aussies at Messines, then served at Ypres. Was gassed twice during the German spring offensives in 1918 and his unit almost ceased to exist then, so finished the War back in the UK. A re.markable man
A fantastic project.
My paternal grandfather also served with a Royal Garrison Artillery. He was in 211 Siege Battery, and they also had the 6" Howitzer.
Sadly like you I never met the man. He died back in the UK on 8th Nov. 1918 from a combination of wounds, received earlier that autumn and the "Spanish flu". A few years back got hold of a copy of his Army records. I already had his war medals, but sadly not his "dead man's penny." There is also a well out of print book about the battery written by a former officer -- "Two Eleven Being the History of 211 Siege Battery R.G.A. On the Western Front" by Captain WJ Gilpin published in 1925. Fortunately there is a copy in The National Library of Scotland and read it a few years back. The incident in which my grandfather is wounded is described.
Should you ever make this figure available commercially would be keen to buy one. (Same too re the howitzer and the rest of the gun crew..)
Good Luck with the entire project.
A fantastic project.
My paternal grandfather also served with a Royal Garrison Artillery. He was in 211 Siege Battery, and they also had the 6" Howitzer.
Sadly like you I never met the man. He died back in the UK on 8th Nov. 1918 from a combination of wounds, received earlier that autumn and the "Spanish flu". A few years back got hold of a copy of his Army records. I already had his war medals, but sadly not his "dead man's penny." There is also a well out of print book about the battery written by a former officer -- "Two Eleven Being the History of 211 Siege Battery R.G.A. On the Western Front" by Captain WJ Gilpin published in 1925. Fortunately there is a copy in The National Library of Scotland and read it a few years back. The incident in which my grandfather is wounded is described.
Should you ever make this figure available commercially would be keen to buy one. (Same too re the howitzer and the rest of the gun crew..)
Good Luck with the entire project.
Thanks Lightbob, that's a great compliment.
There are some wonderful first-hand
out of print accounts available for free for Kindle on Amazon. I've got loads. You may even find the 211 one?
It's good to know at least one person wants one of my boys! I'm definitely not planning to market them formally myself, but if there is enough interest from individuals you never know. I haven't explored the logistics of casting them yet. Of course if a manufacturer is interested he's definitely for sale as a master...
Hi Neil

This is a great subject to do , good background as well as information on the unit and pictures , with the figure looking a real character

Look forward to seeing this project develop

Happy benchtime


Isn't this a WIP even though you've showed 1 of the completed figures ?
Hi Neil

This is a great subject to do , good background as well as information on the unit and pictures , with the figure looking a real character

Look forward to seeing this project develop

Happy benchtime


Isn't this a WIP even though you've showed 1 of the completed figures ?
Cheers Nap
You're the boss, feel free to move it if you want. It's just that I don't know how long it will be the next one, so I thought it would be better as a one off for now
Cheers Nap
You're the boss, feel free to move it if you want. It's just that I don't know how long it will be the next one, so I thought it would be better as a one off for now

Certainly not the boss ...lol .....just a thought from me ...no it's your thread but do hope this can be updated when possible, its a great tribute and project

Happy benchtine
Thanks Mike, he was quite the lad, actually. At one point he was a bombardier, but he finished the war as a gunner...we haven't found out why, but he clearly had issues with authority
Hi Neil, thanks for taking time to share your story mate. Fascinating learning about your Granddad’s service & your brother’s modelling work - 3D nicely complementing your sculpting.

Will be following this one closely, like Andy & Bob, as my Greatx2 Uncle served in NZ Artillery after transferring from Mounted Rifles in Gallipoli. Guess good chance for him to maintain his horsemanship. He was WIA with a “Blighty” just after Messines in late May ‘17
Like you I’m keen to do a miniature tribute to him & his gunner mates, so will be learning along with you.

Keep it coming!
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