Ok, some feedback..
in the photos attached, its obvious that you are using an overhead light source.
Guess what? - the light shows where to add highlights to your figure, both human and horse.
Close up of the horses head and bridle also shows where you can add some highlights to the leather gear.
For highlighting brown leather, perhaps a hint of yellow ochre.
For the uniforms (green) add some lighter green to the base colour.
For the horse, I would add some yellow ochre cut with a small amount of white.
Others will correct me, but a well groomed horse will appear to have a gloss finish; a scale effect would be to add some satin varnish to the highlights on the horse.
Mane and tail, similar again.
Shadows for green, base colour plus a dash of blue, perhaps.
Metal trim - I use Games Workshop metallics, for the following.
Base coat - gunmetal ( a mid steel finish)
Highlights or worn areas, a thin line of a silver.Or add graphite for weapons, they come up differently, shiny silver weapons look odd if improperly done.
Shadows - A titanium colour ( a dark grey metal finish) (may leave this step out for a while - black undercoat will help with the over all effect)
Your next step is to start practicing some ground work for a base.
A square cut base to fit the figure (or even a scrap bit of wood to practice on will do for leaning experiments) will be an excellent start.
You using Acrylics?