1/9 Squadron figure "Thin red line" Pacific 1942


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Bert Takken

Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2004
Bodegraven, Netherlands
Well, the most of the painting in oil is done, just thinking about the green color, it seems to be to green and I don't want to ruin it, so is there a possibility to make with a white filter the green color lesser green?
The pics are made on one of the few sunny days in Holland <GRIN> so the color is a bit greener then the real thing
I just busy with the Thompson MG and the canteen. Also busy with the pouches?? don't know the correct name in englisch.
I'm not sure about the helmet, or I can put it on his head (but he had a easy walking pose) so I'm thinking to make a innerhelmet and let the guy carried it with the strap in his hand
uhhh , must figure out how to place the pics on the net, I have somewhere a homepage, but must find it somewhere in Internetworld, be in contact


thanks Erwin. I admit I always forget what the supplier and what the manufaturer is.
On the pics the green is to green, you are right, but darker
Excuses guys, but I step over to my native languages
Erwin, weet jij of een filtersessie met wit de boel wat valer kan krijgen? I heb eigenlijk geen zin om de boel te verpesten, Ik heb het jack al een paar washes met blauw gegeven, maar die kan ook nog wel wat meer gebruiken.
Zal eens kijken of de camera van mijn vriendin iets kleurvriendelijker is
So, just a few words in dutch
It's easier for me, I always search for the right words and so I will stay for a long time to finishing my msg
I think the green is too green. But i'll answered you in spanish:

Creo que el verde del uniforme es demasiado verde y está poco contrastado.
La piel está bien, pero a la cara le faltan sombras (para contrastar más)

Y estoy de acuerdo con el post anterior, el tío es muy feo, pónle el casco y así disimularemos su fealdad.

Un saludo
Hello Bert,

Ik weet dat het in het nederlands makkelijker is, maar je ziet, als je in je eigen taal begint gaan ze het ook in het spaans doen.

About the figure. I find it, a not nicely done sculpture, espicially the face is ugly.
The green on your figure is not nice. It looks like a Revell color. And it is shiny.
So please take a brush and start the green again. But not shiny.
The pants has a hole. I've never seen a hole so nice. Take some putty and redo it. Why is the knee not dirty or have some blood. Thinking about how the hole comes in the pant, falling or something else.

You see Bert, There is a lot to improve on the figure's casting.
The painting is no problem for you, i've seen figure's from you in Amersfoort, so i know you can do it wright.

Greeting from holland Marc
ha Marc
the Spanish reading is no problem and eventuality I can ask a good girlfriend of me to translate
I know you're right, about the face, but I must say, so bad ugly isn't it, it's like the younger brother of the leadsinger of Blöf <GRIN>
What I maybe forgotten to write down, the figure isn't finished, so the knee will a injury and about the hole in his paints, I must torn it a bit out, but would'see it when it was done.

About the grenish, I aplied some filters ( I finally understood it, on the vehicles I never understood the usefullity of it)
And it goes into some khaki. When it's go wrong just take of the head and put the body into Dr Muscle.

I have check the color by taking a pic into the sun and on my workbench and the inside pic isn't that bad green, so The sun had some influence on it.
What I also told on the Twenot forum (strange no response there) the body is shining because the oil hasn't really fully dried I suppose and after all I will use some matt lack

But I fully agree with you, it isn't my best project
Erwin, I made a decision and put him in Dr Muscle. The color is after several tries not the one I want. On one of the Links at the twenotsite I've found colors so I think to take the motorcycle and made Rob a visit to find the Vallejo colors as referencecolors.
Why I paint all in oil, it likes me, I never have used Humbroll, I own a few cans wch are 'bout 20 years old.
The acryltechnique is just like the dark Ages, a big secret, I've tried it once the more and always with bad results. I save the face, thats the only part I like, just sculpt the hair on the top and he can wear the helmet in his hands
What I've seen on Internet the uniforms are different styles, some are really khaki, some are darker.
Well, I've paint a figure agian, thats the dutch way . Buy one figure and paint it twice so you've twice times fun<GRIN>
Greeting from Bodegraven, 'bout 40 km from Bernard

I just spend about a hour te search the colorcharts and the uniformcolor should be in Humbroll 120, thats just the color I had painted, eg light green, so, maybe I be a bit to fast, so be it.
I decided to pick up a color I like, so it will be a grey green