Thanks Glenn, Band of Brothers recently aired again on TV here and that's what inspired me to paint this figure, and yes, Carentan was the setting I imagined in my mind when I started on him. Thanks for your comments mate. I'm glad you like him.
Thanks Hiroshi, I greatly appreciate you taking the time to post your comments. I hope to finish this figure soon.
Hi Mark, yeah it's a shame about the base, but it will live to see another day. The figure looks better on its own.
Hi Rick, I too bevelled out the inside of the helmet to help it sit down on the head but I was really keen to show it cocked to the side. I'd like to see the pics of your version of this figure. Thanks for your generous comments.
Hi Stefano, I also like to go fishing in summer but it's too hot to go fishing at the moment. You'd get heat stroke within an hour. I've been lots of excuses lately not to paint, but the reality is I'm an extremely lazy person when I want to be. I appreciate your comments on my figure. I'm not sure that I agree it's on of my best, but I appreciate you saying so.
Howdy Rick, I'm glad you like the colours I've chosen and the way they've been applied. I was hoping to create a slightly Band of Brothers/ Saving Private Ryan visual effect, by reducing the intensity of the colours and applying a high contrast style. I'm still not completely satisfied Ive captured the look, but I appreciate you commenting on the colours and the "harmony". That was one of the effects I was aiming for.
G'day Dave, thanks for the vote of support for changing the base. I'm sure it will be resurrected for another project. I appreciate your comments mate.