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PlanetFigure Supporter
Nov 16, 2003
Stockholm (Venice of the North)
Well, me and me friend just booked the flight to Boston.
Now we only have to save up loads of money to spend. :)

However as this site has been my favourite since Ive joined and it feel that I know many of you, thou weve never met. And some that Ive actually met but only briefly or merely introduced. I would really like to size this opportunity to meet the guys behind the "avatars and nicks". If you could bear with me that is. ;)

Would it be a good idea for the Figureteers to have a rallying point? When and where? Perhaps at a place where a beardcladed lad could have some brew?

Perhaps someone thats familiar with Boston could come up with suggestions?
well janne,i am from boston, i really cant wait to meet all you guys either,and brew definetly sounds like a plan.ill have to see whats around the hotel and get back to you.any other suggestions from people would be great 2 thanks johnny
I agree. If we wear our pF nametages, it will be easy to spot one another.

John, I will be in the Park Sq. area at the end of April, if not sooner, and can check for places if you don't get there first. As I recall, there is an Irish pub just down the street from the hotel: O'Malley's or something like that. Good place, I've eaten (and drank!) there. I am guessing that Janne is looking for a hearty beer and not the watery stuff that passes for brew in so many bars here. :eek:

If we can agree on a place I can get a flyer together to leave at the registration table alerting fellow planeteers as to our rally point.

John, please don't forget to stop by the Club table at the Wings and Wheels show on April 3rd. Looking forward to meeing you.

BTW, a belated Happy St. Partick's Day to ye all!
Hey! I just noticed that our pF nametag generater is gone! A victim of the site shifts no doubt.

Hey, site moderatin g team! Any chance of getting this turned back on at some point in the future? Thanks.
Hello Boston-bound Planeteers...

Anyone interested in adding the planetFigure logo to the Expo pre-printed namecard (these will have the names of all pre-registered visitors, and the flag of their country pre-printed on them), we can gladly add the planetFigure logo to the card.

Just send me an e:mail at [email protected]. My daughter Emily is busily at work organizing this now.

As for a meeting point, right in the hotel we will have a cash bar open every evening from 5pm onwards. There will be plenty of tables to gather round, and it should be a good meeting spot for all modelers away from the crowd. I know I'll be spending much of my after hours time there!

Thanks, Bill. I will be sending Emily my nametag order soon. I'm sure we all appreciate this extra service.

Looks like the hotel bar is a good rallying point for pF planeteers. I'm still gonna check our O' Malley's as a backup.